Recent content by Harry1941

  1. H

    The best way to count cards imo.

    Laugh all you want, I know what I'm doing. I don't get caught because I don't bet big. Bet big the pit bosses will be eye balling you. I make some mistakes to make them think I don't know what I'm doing, like standing on 16 against the 10.If the count is high and the dealer has 10 and I got 16,I...
  2. H

    The best way to count cards imo.

    I like counting one card at a time and playing alone with the dealer. I use the chips to count. White chips = +1, red chips = -1 Harry:)
  3. H

    how to pretend you are not a counter ?

    What I would do is go off bs, by standing on 16 against the 7 or 16 against the 10. When the count is high standing on 16,and the dealer has a 10 is the right choice. I study counting from Andy Bloch. Harry:)
  4. H

    Card Counting Technique

    I waite until each player has two cards, and then I start counting. I do the ones that cancel each other out first. Harry:)
  5. H

    tips on counting while playing your hand

    I use speed counting because it is easier than hi and lo. I have too much trouble with the - and + sighs.I am always getting lost,and losing the count.My mind must be on the count at all times. That why I add up the small cards after each hand is played and than I substract the number of players...
  6. H

    tips on counting while playing your hand

    This is where speed counting is better than hi and lo. You count only the low cards, from 2-6 after each hand is played and substract each player,including the dealer. If the count is 30 and there are 2 players, you substract 2 from 30, which 28.The count is 28. If there are 3 small cards played...
  7. H

    what is the craziest move you have made at the table?

    How about doubling down on 8 and A-8 against the dealer's 6.I have BS cards from Golden Touch Blackjack. I practive speed counting. Harry
  8. H

    what is the craziest move you have made at the table?

    Here's a good way to get free comps. While the dealer is shuffleing the cards,put up a big bet, the floor person sees that bet, writes it down on a pad, and when the floor person goes to the next table, take that big down and put up a smaller bet, dig.:laugh: Harry:)
  9. H

    what is the craziest move you have made at the table?

    I stand on 16 against the dealer's 10. I want the casino pit boss to think I don't know what Im doing. Casinos don't like smart blackjack players. They love stupid players. The casinos want you to play games you can't beat, be happy they gave you free meal, and than go on your merry way with...
  10. H

    Don't make the same mistake I made.

    I would never play online blackjack for cash. I don't trust them. After each hand the cards are place back into the shoe. The mob bosses runs these online casinos. They invented the BS in order for their casinos to have an edge over the player. Harry
  11. H

    Count down a deck... How fast

    It takes me 20 second to count down a deck. I practive eveyday in an employees lunch room,because it is a noise place. Harry
  12. H

    Best counting system for SD & DD

    Yes it does.I was born 08/11/1941. Harry:)
  13. H

    Best counting system for SD & DD

    There is a reason why speed count BS saids to stand on 16 against the dealer's 10. Double on soft 18 A-7 against the 6. Double on 8 against the 5 and 6. The reason for this is keep the pit boss thinking I don't know what I am doing. They are so stupid they don't know that I have an edge.When I...
  14. H

    Best counting system for SD & DD

    I like speed counting the best. I been practiving with 2-6 decks.2-4 Starts at 30,and 6 decks starts 27,8decks starts at 26. The best one is 2-4 decks,which starts at 29 or 30.The count goes higher quickly. No matter how many decks you play, at 31 the player has the edge.Below 31 the player...
  15. H

    Count down a deck... How fast

    How does a blind man play blackjack? Harry:grin: