Recent content by johnnaras

  1. J

    Shuflle Machines

    --------------------------------- There is about the king model...But it's very difficult and it depends on a lot of parameters....I' a ready to share it with you if anyone out there (e.g. Ken Smith or any other executive member) can give me any exploitable info about the one2six model. You...
  2. J

    CSM machines

    to tribute and pokerface My dear fellows, I think what you are missing here is the motivation of thinking our friend "blackstack" has and which I urge you should adopt! Isn't it time to start thinking of a way to deal with these machines rather than boycotting the game with the hope that...
  3. J

    To beat the continuous shuffle machines(KING)?

    another request Hello there! I ' m John from Greece. Did anyone ,finally, answer your questions, James from Singapore? If he did, I' m interested in the response! I think there is a very good possibility that you are actually right on what you wrote about the 6254096 patent-the king...