CSM machines

This is probably a stupid question but i'll ask it anyways. Is it possible to purchase a CSM machine from somewhere? I'm guessing there is a way to take advantage of these machines but its being kept on the downlow. Having one at home and seeing how it works internally could possibly help me understand how to take advantage.
i think you can buy them online but i don't think studing the machine is gonna help you

How A CSM Works.
After a hand is over the cards just used are placed back into the shuffler to be mixed with the other cards in the shoe. Shuffle Master’s King uses an elevator system to randomize the cards. As the elevator is moved up and down, cards are randomly inserted into one of the 19 shelves in the elevator. The shuffler randomly selects a shelf of cards to deliver into the shoe. Because of the non-linear process, every discard re-inserted following a hand has a chance of appearing in the next round.
Although Shuffle Master says The King differs from their competitors continuous shufflers because the others use a linear design most CSMs so the same thing. They put the discards back into play and does away with the dealers having to stop to physically shuffle the cards at the end of a shoe.
The House Edge
The continuous shufflers have no benefits for the player and has been dubbed the "uncomfortable shoes". It eliminates card counting for the skilled player and will also have a major disadvantage for the basic strategy player. It speeds up the game!
When the CSM was first introduced many players felt it would probably increase the house edge. As it turns out this is not entirely true. Michael Shackleford, The Wizard of Odds did a mathematical analysis of the Continuous Shuffling Machines and found that there was a very slight reduction in the house edge.
In a four deck game the edge is 0.034 percent and in an eight deck game is tis0.014 percent. Before you get excited about a slight reduction in the house edge you have to realize that when the casino uses a CSM the speed of the games is increased by about 20 percent. The basic strategy player stands to lose more in the long run because they are exposing more money to the house edge.
As a player I feel it’s a treat to visit a casino that offers double and single deck games. I would hate to see these games eliminated altogether. Even a multi deck shoe game is preferable to the Continuous Shuffling Machines. The best way you can let the casinos know this is by refusing to play Blackjack at the casinos that use a CSM for their Blackjack games.


Well-Known Member
I think that many CSM machines are leased by the casinos from the company that makes them. It's a pretty smart plan: If you sell a CSM you get paid once, but if you only lease them then you get paid every month!



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I think that many CSM machines are leased by the casinos from the company that makes them. It's a pretty smart plan: If you sell a CSM you get paid once, but if you only lease them then you get paid every month!

Its also so that the casinos don't have to lay out a big expense at once.
Leasing equipment has better tax implications than owning does,and no one fiscal quarter takes a hit,very important in a publicly traded company like MGM or Harrahs.


Well-Known Member

Now you don't have to worry about buying one. Pokerface did a good job explaining how the machines work! The best way to beat them is to not play them.
to tribute and pokerface

My dear fellows,

I think what you are missing here is the motivation of thinking our friend "blackstack" has and which I urge you should adopt! Isn't it time to start thinking of a way to deal with these machines rather than boycotting the game with the hope that casinos will stop using them? After all, there will always be obsessed gamblers that will continue to play the game and therefore sustain the existance of csm's.

My friends, I think we should join our minds for our own benefit and try to come up with anything knew that might help us find a solution to our problem. Let the casinos NOT into destroying what used to be a wonderful and beatable game. It can be again! Work on it and believe it!

Just keep in mind that you should also prove it-from a mathematical point of view-

So, any info regarding the way these machines work is of great essence!