Recent content by Unleash

  1. U

    Early Surrender

    I have a question about Early surrender for you guys... It comes down to when the dealer has an ace... Whenever I surrender and the dealer has an ace they place the surrender chip on top of my cards and then wait to see if the dealer has a natural BJ...if he does then we all lose. I'm...
  2. U

    Calculating House Edge

    I actually have one more question...if the casino i'm using these set of rules with uses a continuous shuffler does that affect the EV? and if it does for me or the casino?? Thanks
  3. U

    Calculating House Edge

    I understand but i'm using this casino strictly for comps because they have use a continuous shuffler (shuffling after every 2 decks)and i'm trying to minimize my losses...Thanks for your help! Greatly appreciated!
  4. U

    Calculating House Edge

    Thanks for your help! Just making sure my calculations were correct! Would playing by the strategy given on the engine be correct then? Or are there errors because of the different EV?
  5. U

    Calculating House Edge

    ( I believe) Synder's calculation does consider OBO well in this case ENHC "European No Hole Card" that's why it's a 0.11 disadvantage to the player in the calculation. I double checked this with Standford's book and it gives the same number for ENHC rule.
  6. U

    Calculating House Edge

    I got a question for your guys... when using the basic strategy engine on this website for these rules 6 decks, H17, DAS, Early Surrender, No Peek I get a house average of 0.14 however...