A7 (soft 18) vs 2; double down or stand?


Well-Known Member
Most basic strategy says to stand on A7 (soft 18) vs 2, but I think I've read somewhere that you are supposed to double down in the following game; is this true?

- 6 decks
- dealer hits on soft 17


Active Member
gobbledygeek said:
Most basic strategy says to stand on A7 (soft 18) vs 2, but I think I've read somewhere that you are supposed to double down in the following game; is this true?

- 6 decks
- dealer hits on soft 17
I would suggest that you use the 'basic strategy engine' on this site to answer your questions about specific basic strategy plays.

For a shoe game, there are 3 differences in basic strategy: A7v2, A8v6, and 11vA.

So for your question,
In a H17 game, double against a 2 for basic strategy. If you can't, stand.
In a S17 game, stand against a 2.