American Casino Guide question


Well-Known Member
how many of the matchplays do you have to go to the players club or get recorded in the computer to redeem--compared to the ones you just tear out from many books and use w/o them knowing it was your 10th coupon of the week.


Well-Known Member
Most stores state you can only use one per day. Most of the match plays can be redeemed/used right at the table. The real low rolling places like Silver Nugget and Jerry's Nugget make you go to the players club. These were the only two places that did this on my last coupon run.

lucifer said:
how many of the matchplays do you have to go to the players club or get recorded in the computer to redeem--compared to the ones you just tear out from many books and use w/o them knowing it was your 10th coupon of the week.