Bewaring hustlers at the casino

It was a familiar sensation, not unpleasant in itself but one that usually portends bad news at in a casino environment. Tits being mashed into my back. As soon as I felt it, I knew I was probably the target of a hustle. I turned towards her and smiled, but not for the reason she was thinking. She was about to be made part of my game.

She was my age or maybe a couple of years older, completely average looking with a pleasant face and demeanor. I Wonged out of the table where she titmashed me and she showed up next to me at the next table a few minutes later. We introduced ourselves and exchanged pleasantries. I turned the compulsive gambler/alcoholic act on her right away, because I want to remain consistent in the face I present to the casinos and what I present to other players.

It's a rule of mine to avoid making enemies of any person in a casino without a real good reason, and to make friends if possible. Having neighbors who let you partner with them on splits and DD hands is positive EV all the way. I did this with the girl, was rewarded, and as always, paid back with Basic Strategy advice when requested.

After a few minutes of her playfully nuzzling me, the hustle started. "Can you place a bet for me?" "Can I borrow some money for the next hand?" "Can I have one of your [valuable comp given away at this store]?" The answer was always a silent smile and finally "I can't do that." Eventually she lost interest. (And oddly, 30 minutes after she had left my losing night had turned into a winning one!)

Just a reminder to all players to be extremely wary of people you meet in a casino. There are AP's of all kinds, and you don't want to be their game. Sure, there is always the possibility you could be turning down an honest good time by shunning someone's advances of this kind, but it's a remote possibility, and the overall EV is bound to be negative, and it's best to apply the same reasoning in these situations as you would to playing a blackjack hand.


Well-Known Member
Good advice. Another thing to worry about is pick pockets(PP). I saw a show on this and they are there in the casinos even with the eye in the sky they are plying their trade so always keep your wallet in your front pocket till you sit down. Many PP work in teams while one is distracting you the other is doing the lift. Women are especially vulnerable to this with their purses.


Well-Known Member
neemo6 said:
So youre saying funbags sometimes have a negative ev?:p
At the risk of sounding chauvinistic, they almost always do! :D It doesn’t matter if your paying to “borrow” them for a few hours or you’re buying them something to make them happy. Here in Los Angeles the fun bags often ask you to buy them new fun bags! The cycle never ends.*

Luckily, AutoMonkey was clever enough to find a way to earn EV from a hooker before she got hers from him! Now that’s a master Advantage Player!! As he said, Hookers are just another form of Advantage Player, and you’re their game. She wasn't talking to you before you had that big stack of chips on the table, was she? Once she saw that your Chip Count (The equivalent of a Running Count for them. They convert it to a True Count by getting it in their purses!) was high she's trying to Wong-in to your bankroll. Keep your action on the BJ tables where you have the advantage.


*I must apologize for my cynicism. I’m a bit jaded after my last anniversary’s credit card statement arrived.
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Well-Known Member
My wife is usually lurking around me at the casino, so I haven't had to deal with the hookers at all. But my wife and I do get a chuckle by watching them work the tables.
One young lady working her trade is still something we laugh about to this day. She sat at the same table as us, but conveniently squeezed herself between two guys who were placing $250.00 (table max) bets. The guys were well lubricated and were buying rounds for the table. She bought in for maybe fifty in red, then started what was obviously a routine of asking for advice on even the most simple of plays. What was real peculiar is that she fully realized that the two guys were drunk, but the my wife and I were stone sober. This earned us some sideways glances from her, but not so much as a single word passed between her and us. Maybe she was concerned we were going to screw up her gig. She didn't need to be. These guys had MARK written across their foreheads with a bright red sharpie, and I was content to watch the drama unfold.
She knew her trade pretty well, since she had the guys playing black for her within half an hour or so. When she won, the black was quietly slipped off the table and she was looking sort of broke all over again. We switched tables and later saw her and one of the guys returning from the hotel part of the casino. I think his buddy took a swing after that also.
Damn, I hope she was worth all those black chips she tucked away.
No real moral to this story I guess. Maybe that having a lady with you will avoid these situations. Or maybe that when there is one hooker and two guys, always make sure you get firsties and not sloppy seconds. :devil:


Well-Known Member
Gregory said:
She knew her trade pretty well, since she had the guys playing black for her within half an hour or so. When she won, the black was quietly slipped off the table and she was looking sort of broke all over again.
That's even better than a match-play coupon! And you don't need to hide your "play" from the pit boss either. That would be the perfect act for a female BJ player! You could Wong-in on high rollers, get them to make some big bets for you, rathole a few chips, and not get any heat from the casino. Just don't let the "working girls" catch you cutting in on their action...

Gregory said:
Or maybe that when there is one hooker and two guys, always make sure you get firsties and not sloppy seconds. :devil:
If she's a hooker you should always expect to be sloppy hundreds! :p

Sonny said:
That's even better than a match-play coupon! And you don't need to hide your "play" from the pit boss either. That would be the perfect act for a female BJ player! You could Wong-in on high rollers, get them to make some big bets for you, rathole a few chips, and not get any heat from the casino. Just don't let the "working girls" catch you cutting in on their action...

If she's a hooker you should always expect to be sloppy hundreds! :p


Yes, and remember, VD= -EV !!!

Although I do indeed do everything I can to make myself look like a moron (not an Imbecile!) at my usual places. I've had temper tantrums with employees, drunken wallowing-around on the floor, and of course acting like a mark for disreputable women. One time I pretended I ran out of money and tried to take cash advances on two maxxed out credit cards. What a degenerate loser, right! The only stupidity I haven't simulated is drugs, because that can get you into too much legitimate trouble.

But of all the cover games my favorites are the ones that involve other patrons. Especially in a place that allows backline, makes for some unusual and profitable plays. And being teased by the sluts relieves the dreaded boredom of AP.:joker:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Be careful , Monk!

:laugh: I would have some serious reservations about the consequences of teaming up with the local hos. First of all the distraction would be unbearable, just imagine asking the dealer if you should splits this pair of "DDs". Also, just imagine if the house decided to "bust" you for utilizing advantageous devices. I would do anything to be at your trial when the D.A. asks the court to present State's Exibit #38. You need to just avoid this situation from the get go and remind her what can happen when cross-mingling occurs between species!
bnoc848 said:
get something likew this if your worried about pickpockets,

you can buy the same thing at the pharmacy or at an airport store for about 5$ How they gonna steal your chips if there under your shirt?

I've got a money belt even better that that one. From Wal-Mart. Sonny has seen where I keep my money... it's down where no man would dare go, but we're talking about women who would entertain any man or his pet monkey for a buck, having to go "down there" is not going to deter them.

But I normally don't keep my money in there when I'm actually playing. The reason is I don't want to ever have to go down my pants at the table, for the blatant reason, and also because somebody might think I'm using a device.

Money carrying order of safety:
Money belt
Inside jacket pocket
Shirt pocket
Front pants pocket

Back pants pocket
Purse (for those inclined to carry one)
Cigarette pack, etc.