blackjack at commerce?

I think Commerce does, and I was actually going to post up a thread on here about it...they offer something called "No Bust BJ" where if you bust, but the dealer also busts but with a higher number than yours, you push. So for ex. you hit a hard 15 to get a ten for a total of 25 and dealer hits hard 16 to get a ten for a total of 26 you push instead of losing your bet.....I wonder what the math behind it is...It sounds pretty beatable, but the BS would change for the index#s im sure....


Well-Known Member
blackjack101 said:
I think Commerce does, and I was actually going to post up a thread on here about it...they offer something called "No Bust BJ" where if you bust, but the dealer also busts but with a higher number than yours, you push. So for ex. you hit a hard 15 to get a ten for a total of 25 and dealer hits hard 16 to get a ten for a total of 26 you push instead of losing your bet.....I wonder what the math behind it is...It sounds pretty beatable, but the BS would change for the index#s im sure....
double down on 12 vs a dealer 16, holla!


Well-Known Member
blackjack101 said:
I think Commerce does, and I was actually going to post up a thread on here about it...they offer something called "No Bust BJ" where if you bust, but the dealer also busts but with a higher number than yours, you push. So for ex. you hit a hard 15 to get a ten for a total of 25 and dealer hits hard 16 to get a ten for a total of 26 you push instead of losing your bet.....I wonder what the math behind it is...It sounds pretty beatable, but the BS would change for the index#s im sure....
Obviously there's some catch...

Otherwise the player edge would be huge.

Edit: here's the rules, terrible game
blackjack101 said:
I think Commerce does, and I was actually going to post up a thread on here about it...they offer something called "No Bust BJ"
No-Bust/player-banked is not "BJ" in the snense that we approach the game.

The ante kills it. zg