blackjack strategy?

Can someone explain to me mathematically that why when player has a hard hand 9, the strategy calls for double down when dealer's up card is 3-6; When player has a soft-hand 9(A, 8), the strategy calls for stand when the dealer's up card is 3-5, double down only on 6? By the same token, why player has hard 10 total, the strategy calls for double down when dealer has 2-9, but in soft hand 10(A,9), the strategy calls for stand?


Well-Known Member
ricardo said:
Well said, but what about hard hand vs. soft hand 9?
Your question is akin to

Why do we hit 14vT but stand on 19 v 4?

They're two different hands.

A8 is very different from 54.

One is a 9/19, the other is a 9.

You can't hurt the 9 by hitting. It's impossible to end up with a hand that you'd rather have stayed with.

With the soft 19, there are only 2 cards that improve your hand, 4 that keep it the same, and 7 that weaken it. So you are only going to double in very favorable circumstances (v6 in a H17 game, or with a high count).