This is no joke, this is a genuine offer to coach people on how to count cards. I assure you ma'am, I am fully qualified to instruct people on how to win at the game of blackjack. I have been a professional gambler for over a decade, and a card counter for around seven years. You are shocked at my incredible rate, and I don't blame you, I am practically giving these lessons away. I ask only for a modest amount of compensation for my time, nothing more. This is a great value for anyone just starting out in advantage play, who is at the point where they might not even know what they don't know. I will guide my students through the entire process of learning how to count cards. From memorizing the correct basic strategy for your local casino rules, to drills for developing the ability to count cards, to memorizing the 20 most important index plays, to practicing at home with a shoe and discard rack so that they get comfortable with deck estimation. And then I'll give them a skills test to determine whether or not they are casino ready, and if they are not, then I will coach them on the areas that they need work in and do the skills test over again. I will also advise them on game selection, cover, heat and more advanced advantage play techniques such as maximizing your profit against a front loading dealer or what to do if the dealer flashes the bottom card in a double deck game when they are taking the two decks out of the machine.