Card counting perceived as cheating??


Well-Known Member
I was talking about blackjack with one of my co-workers. Somehow the concept of card counting came up and he started talking about how "it's not fair they can get away with cheating at the casinos"

I've talked to other people who have conceived counters to be cheats.


It's not much different than being able to do pot odds at the poker table.

or mabe even handicapping sports betting..


Well-Known Member
Simple - because casinos are the kings of marketing (how else could they get so many people coming back time after time to give away their money?) and they have indoctrinated that to the public.


Well-Known Member
Conventional wisdom says that the casinos can't be beaten. So, anyone who can beat the casino must be cheating. Never mind that it's done just by using your mind.


Well-Known Member
"Thinking is not illegal, yet."

"Thinking is not illegal, yet." is my usual response.

I have always followed up with, "Why would you believe that thinking is EVER illegal?"

At some point in the next few moments, I'll throw out, "If someone is smart enough to watch a game and figure out how to beat the game, why shouldn't they be allowed to play, after all, what is is the point of playing a game?, People play games to win."

If I can, I try to slip in the following "soapbox speech", "Casinos have been beatable since they were first allowed in Las Vegas. Most people are just too lazy to do it or they have poor impulse control. The few who that want to play the casino games, are not lazy and have a normal range of impulse control can actually WIN at many casino games. What's sad is that apathy is killing the beatable games. The corporations that have casino holdings have manipulated you into thinking that you are not allowed to think when you come to their casino, How did they do that to you?"

Although I try to be emotionally intelligent, some subjects still cut through my skin. When I talk about the casino's marketing mission of brainwashing, I get a little crusty.

Good Luck and Cheers,


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Casinos consider it a legal "loophole". zg
Not giving us correct odds is the real legal loophole. It's tantamount to cheating. Casinos could make their money by taking a cut from our winnings as in poker, by table rent, and/or just by all the commercial surroundings (food, beverages, shops, hotels, etc.), but instead they payout the wrong odds. That's not gambling--that's cheating, or as some refer to it, business.


Well-Known Member

I think to someone who hasn't really thought about it carefully, card counting is using a technique which is -- to them -- basically magic, to gain an advantage over the house. Card counting, holecarding, spooking, and bet-capping all seem equally magical... so wouldn't they all be cheating?

And let's face it, if some trials went the wrong way, card counting or holecarding might really be illegal. Glad they're not.
I envy anyone that can card count properly (I can count or I can play, not both at the same time yet ;) ), but really counting IS against the spirit of the game. It is not legally cheating, I don't know if it is morally cheating or not, but it DOES break the spirit of the game as it was intended.


Well-Known Member
CasinoKid said:
I envy anyone that can card count properly (I can count or I can play, not both at the same time yet ;) ), but really counting IS against the spirit of the game. It is not legally cheating, I don't know if it is morally cheating or not, but it DOES break the spirit of the game as it was intended.
and what is the spirit of the game? That the house always wins?


Well-Known Member
The orginal spirit of the game was to allow casino's to cheat! When Thorp first went to Las Vegas and Reno in 1962 to test his system he hired a professional at catching cheats. The guy he hired found cheating in almost every casino.


Well-Known Member
But holecarding is illegal to cardcounter

EasyRhino said:

I think to someone who hasn't really thought about it carefully, card counting is using a technique which is -- to them -- basically magic, to gain an advantage over the house. Card counting, holecarding, spooking, and bet-capping all seem equally magical... so wouldn't they all be cheating?

And let's face it, if some trials went the wrong way, card counting or holecarding might really be illegal. Glad they're not.
Right on this board we have a casino dealer who is a member and believes that holecarding is illegal.
If casino corporation PR machines had their way, cardcounting and holecarding would be illegal.
I believe spooking is in some kind of legal limbo where it may or may not be legal and bet capping is definately illegal.



Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Card counting, holecarding, spooking, and bet-capping all seem equally magical... so wouldn't they all be cheating?
I had a very bad experience with something like this a few months ago. I was playing a friendly game of poker with some close friends. None of us really knows how to play so we just try to have fun while goofing around. The person sitting across the table from me was terrible at shuffling the cards. When he split the deck in half to riffle them he would always show the bottom card of each pile. I mean, it was totally obvious to everybody there. Obviously it was pretty easy to tell what the bottom two (or so) cards were every time. I decided to take things a little further. He would always shuffle the deck three times. I would ignore the first shuffle. For the second shuffle I would remember the bottom two cards and know that they would end up about 0-3 cards from the bottom after the next riffle. Then I would look at the bottom two cards at the end of the last riffle. I knew that those would be the bottom cards of the deck. So when it was time to deal I already knew the values of 3-4 cards that were buried at the bottom of the deck.

During one memorable hand I folded pocket Jacks before the flop. This was a very casual game so people would often look at the folded hands just to see how everyone else was playing. Somebody said “Dude, what are you doing? You folded Jacks off the top? Why?!” I said “Because the Jack or hearts is the second card from the bottom and the Jack of clubs is about 4-6 cards above it. They’re not going to come out.”

Well, all of a sudden everyone started yelling and saying that I was cheating. Even after I explained how I did it they were still really pissed off. :flame: They thought I was taking advantage of them, which I was, but any of them could have used the same information to their advantage. This guy was holding the decks straight up so everyone could see the bottom cards every time. People actually said “Yeah, but that’s not playing fair so I didn’t look at them.”

That’s the typical mindset of many gamblers. Even when they’re given the chance to get an edge they ignore it. Anyone who does something they think is “unfair” they call him a cheater. They go out of their way to not use their brains.

But at some point you do run into a morality/advantage issue. As APs it is our job to take advantage of people, plain and simple. Whether it is a dealer, a pit boss, casino management, the cashier, the ploppies, whoever. That’s what we do. But most people are taught that it is “wrong” or “immoral” to take advantage of people or to trick people. I’m not disagreeing with that, but at some point you have to draw a line. If it is okay to buy insurance on a ploppy’s hand because he doesn’t know any better, is it okay to scam old ladies? Maybe I'm a man of thin morals, but I let the law decide what is “unfair” and what is allowed. If the court decides that something is legal then I’ll go with that interpretation, not what someone else’s interpretation of “moral” is.



Well-Known Member
Card counting is simply useing your head to beat the game, certainly not illegal or unethical. The fact is what we do is tolerated by the casino's because there are so few of Advantage Players out there. The casinos know we exist, and could at any time make a few rule changes a stop us. I feel the fact we are so small of a threat to their profit margins that they simply tolerate us to a level. I am aware there are no statitics to the amount casino's are giving-up to advantage players to back this up. I do know that if the Blackjack games the casino's offering were not makeing a required profit minimum then they would not exist. I am convinced the multi-billon dollar gambling industry is always going to make sure they maintain their profit margins.