Changes to BS regarding the count.


I have the following ruleset:
- Dealer stands on Soft 17 (S17)
- Split only 9,10,11 (D9)
- 6 decks
- no surrender
- European no peek

now I found this list (I18):
Insurance: Insure at +3 or higher.

12 vs 2: Stand at +3 or higher, otherwise hit.
12 vs 3: Stand at +2 or higher, otherwise hit.
12 v 4: Stand at 0 or higher, otherwise hit.
12 v 5: Stand at -2 or higher, otherwise hit.
12 v 6: Stand at -1 or higher, otherwise hit.
13 v 2: Stand at -1 or higher, otherwise hit.
13 v 3: Stand at -2 or higher, otherwise hit.
15 vs T: Stand at +4 or higher, otherwise hit.
16 v 9: Stand at +5 or higher, otherwise hit.
16 vs T: Stand at 0 or higher, otherwise hit.

9 vs 2: Double at +1 or higher, otherwise hit.
9 v 7: Double at +3 or higher, otherwise hit.
10 vs T: Double at +4 or higher, otherwise hit.
10 vs A: Double at +4 or higher, otherwise hit.
11 vs A: Double at +1 or higher, otherwise hit.

TT vs 5: Split at +5 or higher, otherwise stand.
TT vs 6: Split at +4 or higher, otherwise stand.

Will this list also apply to my ruleset or are there changes which need to be made?


Well-Known Member
Did you mean to say double only on 9,10,11? I personally am not familiar with the no hole card game, but I can't see how that would change the index numbers for strategy change, so the number you are looking at should be correct. If I am wrong on this I am sure someone will correct me and explain it to us both.
Thanks for your answer.

I am pretty sure, that those both rules dont apply to the no hole card game:

10 vs A: Double at +4 or higher, otherwise hit.
11 vs A: Double at +1 or higher, otherwise hit.

Also the basic strategy with my rules say:
Hit at 11 against a 10
At what count should I double?

Can someone approve my thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Never double on an 11 against an A, or 10 in no hole card games! EVER!!!!
Same goes with splitting eights


Well-Known Member
HamburgCouter said:
Also the basic strategy with my rules say:
Hit at 11 against a 10
At what count should I double?
Double down 11 vs. 10 on TC>+3 according Wong's PBJ. Which books have you read so far?


Well-Known Member
Harman said:
Never double on an 11 against an A, or 10 in no hole card games! EVER!!!!
Same goes with splitting eights
no hole card game means the type where your cards are dealt face down, right?

may i ask why you say never to double down on 11 or split 8s against A or T? basic strategy says to do it (except doubling on 11 vs A).


Well-Known Member
evilrobotmonkey said:
no hole card game means the type where your cards are dealt face down, right?

may i ask why you say never to double down on 11 or split 8s against A or T? basic strategy says to do it (except doubling on 11 vs A).
no hole card means the dealer does not take his hole (face down) card until after everyone makes their playing decisions. and all bets are lost (doubles, splits, etc, not just the initial bet) if the dealer has a blackjack when he finally pulls his second card. this changes basic strategy.