I beleive the question was "count-adjusted BS" NOT indices. It is to be found in THopper's zip-book, here. zgSerendib said:Hi guys, I'm new around here, and was wondering where I could get a chart of count dependent BS, assuming Hi-Lo count method, thanks.
If you hold a 10,6 vs 10 then the count, based on those three cards, is -1. Since it is negative you would want to hit. However, if the count was +2 before that hand started then it would have dropped to +1 so you would stand.Serendib said:Hmm.. I'm not sure what you mean.
Right. In either case you will be standing when the count is positive because there are more high cards that will bust you. When the count is negative you will be hitting because there are more low cards that will help you.Serendib said:If I understand this correctly, for these 2 situations, you will:
16 vs 10 0 stand
12 vs 4 0 hit
when the count is at least slightly negative?