
I realize this is probably a casino dependent thing. But, in general, does anyone ever have any trouble passing expired matchplays in Vegas? I had a couple last trip that were about 8 mos past their exp. date and had no problems using them.

I am sitting on a bunch right now that are all going to expire on Jan 1, and I won't be in LV again until around March. I don't want to get rid of them because I feel I need to try to use them next time out.(No Inquiries Please!).


wong out

Well-Known Member

If your not cheating then you are not trying. I would use them and be sure to follow the 1st law of casino advantage play: If you get an answer you dont like ask another pit; in general casinos are not well managed and the floor stiffs respond to ?'s based on the way they were chewed out 15 yrs and six jobs ago.

wong out


Well-Known Member
Only the ones smart enough to turn on a computer.

So I would say most (90%) do not. But I would also guess that most casinos are represented here, as in their management, surveilance, some loyal dealers wanting to impress someone.


Well-Known Member
The pits In AC sure read those coupons. On the other hand, there's nothing to lose trying to use the coupons, even in different pits. Just don't try to ask the same pit crew more than once.