Crazy Martingale Bettor I've seen today


Well-Known Member
better lucky than good said:
Sometimes I feel like I'm being "back-roomed" on this forum! LOL!:whip:

No I can't count anymore. I have glaucoma, macular degeneration, and ploppy desease. And I no longer make enough money to gamble with. But mayby I can comment on this forum about my experiences, if nothing else.

I'm not a purist like so many of you elite.... I beleive gambling should be fun, and making money is fun! Isn't it? I am a recovered compulsive gambler who set out to prove to myself that I no longer had the bug to gamble. And I proved it to myself.

Sure, I miss the action. Bowling for $$$ was something I was good at long ago, beating the PBA pros out of their $$. If I couldn't beat them on the lanes, I would beat them in the billiard room!
You ARE being backroomed. The only difference is that the Forum wants you to WIN money, not take it away from you! :laugh: