Dealer down card ...

How do I count or adjust for the dealer down card when I surrender ??
Granted ... it dosen't usually happen that often ... but still in a 6d shoe on the strategy trainer here ... there can be flurries of them ..

Thanks for any input ...

ps: recently switched from hilo to KO although I would have the same problem in either ...


Well-Known Member
Playing one on one,if the dealer doesn't turn it over then you ignore it. Same as the burn card or any other unseen card. At least thats how I would do it. If he doesn't show you,ask him.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Playing one on one,if the dealer doesn't turn it over then you ignore it. Same as the burn card or any other unseen card. At least thats how I would do it. If he doesn't show you,ask him.
exactly right. though i have NEVER seen this happen. Even when you bust out a hand playing 1 v 1 the dealer USUALLY flips over the hole. same with surrender. if the casino doesn't do this, could you post where/what casino - just for curiosity's sake?


Well-Known Member
You can ask the dealer

I say you can ask the dealer. Loads of ploppies do but you should set it up when you have a dealer who likes to not show his hole card in these situations.

You hesitate, you might even say out loud, should I hit, stay, surrender or whatever? Once you surrender or bust, like a good ploppy you want to see his card so when the next card comes out of the shoe you can confirm if you made the right move or not. Then build on it depending on the card. A 5 comes out after you surrendered your 16 and you say, "I knew I should have hit" Or a 10 comes out and you say, "guess I did the right thing and saved a 10 for myself."

After that your problem will or should be over. The dealer will show you his hole card every time unless house procedure prevents this.

I say that only a counter would be afraid to ask the dealer.


White Guy

Well-Known Member
Yeah just say " I want to make sure you had it man... I knew you had it.. man you're running good." I too have never seen a dealer not flip.
Sorry guys ..... I think I am referring more to the strategy trainer here ... not real games ...

But it does make sense to ignore it ... because unless I am wrong ( which is more than likely :)) ... eventually the cards I am not seeing should cancel or average out ... all things being equal ...

right ??


Well-Known Member
Boatman117 said:
Sorry guys ..... I think I am referring more to the strategy trainer here ... not real games ...

But it does make sense to ignore it ... because unless I am wrong ( which is more than likely :)) ... eventually the cards I am not seeing should cancel or average out ... all things being equal ...

right ??
by ignoring an unseen card, your just simply increasing the pen by 1 card.


Well-Known Member
Try it playing heads up

jay28 said:
by ignoring an unseen card, your just simply increasing the pen by 1 card.
If you are playing heads up you might be decreasing pen by half a deck or so by doing things this way. As I said earlier, unless it is house procedure to not show the card, you can easily, like a ploppy, set the dealer up to show you the card each time and he will.
If you play loads of heads up, you can not live with the dealer not showing his hole when you either bust or surrender!



Well-Known Member
Unseen cards

Boatman117 said:
But it does make sense to ignore it ... because unless I am wrong ( which is more than likely :)) ... eventually the cards I am not seeing should cancel or average out ... all things being equal ...right ??
Unseen cards, ie the burn card, or an unseen dealers card should be handled as if they were cards behind the cut card.


Well-Known Member
Same thing happens to me playing multi-action; when I bust the dealer plays out his hands but he scoops the cars real fast sometimes and I cannot see them.

I suppose I could say I was curious what he had so please play out your hands slower even if I busted.
Happens alot

ihate17 said:
If you are playing heads up you might be decreasing pen by half a deck or so by doing things this way. As I said earlier, unless it is house procedure to not show the card, you can easily, like a ploppy, set the dealer up to show you the card each time and he will.
If you play loads of heads up, you can not live with the dealer not showing his hole when you either bust or surrender!

at some casinos I play at. Dealer does not flip the hole card if all bust.:(

This is a problem when going heads up, which I do ALOT. I have found ways to deal with this situation, but I do not appreciate the policy.:mad:



Well-Known Member
If it is procedure

creeping panther said:
at some casinos I play at. Dealer does not flip the hole card if all bust.:(

This is a problem when going heads up, which I do ALOT. I have found ways to deal with this situation, but I do not appreciate the policy.:mad:

If it is procedure there is not much you can do. Personally, I do not remember any casinos recently that had this procedure but do run into many dealers who will not show the card and each and everyone has shown it after my pretending to be curious if I did the right thing or not.
