Dealer mistakes!

I saw this last night, was about to color up a lady 100 short. The PB saw it and corrected it. The dealer spent the right of the evening shouting out that someone should come check out his work.


Well-Known Member
Dealer's pay!

With the casino's only paying there dealers a pitince of what the Casino takes in dealer turnover is realitivy high and costing the casinos more than they know. Most dealers get paid only minimum wage or within a $1 of minimum wage from the casinos and make more than double that from tips. If the casino payed there dealers more like $10 an hour they would reduce the number of mistakes, have happier dealers, and reduce turnover! Making the casino more profitable than if it only pays the minimum wage.


Well-Known Member
Best AP move i ever achieved...

Kasi said:
I suppose that's very possible for sure and why they may tend to just say "no" so they don't have to deal with it. I don't really care or expect any "rent" though. I'm not that big of a jerk to want a tip when they win but pay nothing when they lose. I feel bad enough they are even doing it. Never received "rent" on their winning bet before - was new to me lol.
i once wonged in to a shoe and won 3 hands in a row, when all of a sudden the superstitious asian lady next to me asked if she could put money on my spot - i joked that id have to charge her rent, ie half the winnings of her bet, not expecting her to take me seriously. when we won the next bet she promptly paid me half the winning bet. when we lost a hand (which i admit was rare that shoe) i did not pony up anything extra on top of my own regular portion of the bet. im ashamed to say i let this go on for the rest of the shoe, but hey, ill take any extra edge i can get - and this one was free! if only it was some pompous know-it-all that had asked, then i wouldnt have felt so bad! oh well, at least im back to sleeping easier these days...


Well-Known Member
man the last few times it seems like the dealer has made soo many mistakes.... at least every time you notice they try to take your push you can just tell them to stop... but its always nice when they pay you when they shouldnt.....

how often do u win half a bet plus keep the original when you surrender??
happened to me and my friend in the same day... never seems to be on big bets though...*sigh*

thats one nice thing about new dealers..... also kinda funny seeing them try to pay out a $47 blackjack


Well-Known Member
la_dee_daa said:
also kinda funny seeing them try to pay out a $47 blackjack
Most new dealers I've played with don't have a problem doing this.

$47 x 1.5 = $40 x 1.5 + $5 x 1.5 + $2 x 1.5 = $60 + $7.50 + $3

You'll get 5 $1's but it's a surefire way to get the payout correct.


Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
Most new dealers I've played with don't have a problem doing this.

$47 x 1.5 = $40 x 1.5 + $5 x 1.5 + $2 x 1.5 = $60 + $7.50 + $3

You'll get 5 $1's but it's a surefire way to get the payout correct.
it was kinda funny he just stood there stunned......trying to do the math in his head... the pit noticed him and came over and helped him add it up... i have a feeling math wasnt his best subject in school..

im pretty sure this was his first day though ... he was learning:eek:


Well-Known Member
la_dee_daa said:
i have a feeling math wasnt his best subject in school.
Could he add up 5-card charlies correctly? If not, there's a profit to be made on pushing 5-card 18's vs. dealer 19's. Just selectively correct his mistakes. :grin:


Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
Could he add up 5-card charlies correctly? If not, there's a profit to be made on pushing 5-card 18's vs. dealer 19's. Just selectively correct his mistakes. :grin:
il yell 21 next time i end up with a 5+ card 18 lol
Cardcounter said:
With the casino's only paying there dealers a pitince of what the Casino takes in dealer turnover is realitivy high and costing the casinos more than they know. Most dealers get paid only minimum wage or within a $1 of minimum wage from the casinos and make more than double that from tips. If the casino payed there dealers more like $10 an hour they would reduce the number of mistakes, have happier dealers, and reduce turnover! Making the casino more profitable than if it only pays the minimum wage.

With the enconomy the way it is they should be lucky they have a job. In the Detroit area with tips the dealers average from 19 to 22 an hour.


Well-Known Member
Working Top Dog

You have to make a good day. I have a least two dealer's on each shift that deal a better pen when I enter the game. $5.00min. - $100 tables. I don't need attention in the break room. I'll invest $20 daily for two days on new dealer attempting to explain the value to the casino to deal a fair game, expecially in a "dealer dependent" game. One beginning dealer is now No Doubt, the deepest of dealers in pen. He also deals in the high roller room per casino request. He has more fun on the main floor, in addition to "all" room dealer tips shared. You have to play the game. When the old gentleman tells you, "I was told to use this "slice"/Mark? in shoe." I say... "Right, but you do understand your ability to cut a fair game, and the guaranteed daily drop by the half dozen daily player's that will be playing your table during shift. In addition to "it only takes one good shoe" for a player to enjoy a good day, same can be said of dealer after a "regular's" value run. You should be able to go up to any dealer (if you know him) with a full table and request he save you a seat when player leaves. He'll throw a chip up there for at least 10/15 minutes attempting to get your action. I've had no problem with a 20-1 spread, or higher and know no voice smoke signals will be sent to Cp's at shoe, and as I previously said, back in the break room.
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In this past week I have seen 3 different dealers at 3 different locations make a mistake. The first one paid me on a hand I lost (she received a $600 tip that hand [a guy was betting 200 for her on 2 spots, splitting one of them] and was very excited, probably), the second took a woman's bet when she had the winning hand (good thing the woman caught it), and the third was the same as the second. Dealer seems to make a fair amount of mistakes and it's understandable; they're human not computers. Some dealers try to deal as fast as they can and I worry that they will make mistakes that way.

I don't know if I can catch mistakes that well because I'm busy counting. I often play in games where my cards are dealt face down, and when I'm deciding whether to hit or stand, I'm also counting, and when the dealers are hitting, I'm still counting... and I may lose track of what I have vs. the dealer, thus enabling dealers to make a mistake against me. Does anyone else have this problem?


Well-Known Member
evilrobotmonkey said:
when the dealers are hitting, I'm still counting...
You could add up the dealer's hand while she's taking her hits. Since her cards will be the last to be picked up, there is plenty of time to count the dealer's cards during pay/take.
dealer goof

Cardcounter said:
There are dealers that make mistakes and it can cost the player or the casino money. I think that when you are playing you should definitly make sure that the dealer takes your money rightfully and pays you rightfully. If the dealer bonouces back and forth between 6 to 5 and full pay the dealer might mistakenally pay you 6 to 5 on the 3 to 2 game. Have you ever made a like 4 or 5 card 20 and the dealer gets 20 and takes your money. The best idea is to speak up and say hay I got 20 what did you get. Or the dealer might pay you when he is not supposed to pay you like the dealer gets a 17 and you have a 3 card 16. You are sitting on second base and the first 3 players in front of you have winning hands and the dealer gets into pay mode and pays you by mistake. A lot of ev can be lost if you lose a $20 bet that you really won because the dealer made an error and took your bet by mistake.
After reading Stanford Wongs basic blackjack the thing that struck me was his claim that dealers have trouble counting a hand over 4 cards. Well he's correct. I had a six card 20 and the dealer hit a 5 card 21. While he was counting I said "Push" and he went with it. Another time a dealer was going to pay me on a push and the women next to me corrected the dealer then looked at me and realized she screwed up.