Dealers annoucing your action

Anyone else find it annoying when dealers annouce your action to the pit, I mean if you raise simply from $75 to $100..."Black Action" OR when i raise to purple levels "Purple Play" I have also heard "Checks Play"....


Well-Known Member
I don't begrudge them when they announce a certain chip is in play (black action, purple action, etc). This is usually because the supervisors track those chips much more carefully, and it's important for the dealer that the pit doesn't think that a few black chips just wandered out of his tray.

"checks play" is most often used when bets are over a predetermined threshold. Once in a while it seems like it's used by a dealer who is narcing on a player who increases the bets a lot over previous levels, though. Of course, if the dealer is calling out checks play every hand, it can get old fast.

What annoys me?

Announcing every hand that I surrender. That's just lame.

And more specifically annoying was a hand after I had just sat down at a table. I was only betting a single black chip. However, the hand multiplied itself 4x, and when the dealer busted, she announced "four black out", which got some attention from the pit, and might have made it seem like I had ramped my bet far more than I had. I mean... I'm glad I won the hand, but it was annoying.

And also, "green action" always makes me giggle.


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is I've pushed out a pile of green chips totalling $600 and not a word from the dealer. If I play a single black, they announce black action.

One time, when playing big piles of greens, the dealer kept paying me in greens. I suggested he give me some blacks. He said quietly he was trying to do me a favor and not wake up the pit to my play.


Well-Known Member
blackchip action

If you want to fly under the radar don't bet black this and upper denomination chips are benchmark chips. Play green, even lots of green but start black and they want to know how many are going out and to whom. The reasoning behind it is somewhat like conterfieting it may be the most conterfieted chip in gaming. Like you I've seen guys bet tons of green that exceed black but pull one black out and the suits show up. blackchipjim