Diary Of A Mad White Guy


Well-Known Member
White Guy said:
Yeah it kind of sucks. It is weird, I look in no way like I could be under 21 but they still carded me the first few times I came in there and then checked me in.

I have never got a "players card" there but they check me in all the time and give me free food and tried to give me hats and shirts a couple times.

Really it is not ideal but unavoidable unfortunately.
If you don't count, get a player's card. If you do, from what I've read here, you may want to, but not under your name.

We are not what I would consider big gamblers, but we get a lot of free room offers through the players card. (One of my staff has parents who are much bigger gamblers... they get flights, everything free).


Well-Known Member
bjhack said:
I'm a BS player. Won't ASM's cause you to lose more? (More hands mean more losses) I thought CSM's gave a microscopic increase in advantage (still a loss) for BS players. Either case, more hands, greater losses.

The other reason I don't like ASM's is that they don't let you step away for a (cough cough) smoke. (I'm a sinner, but I'll move away from the table for a puff unless the majority at the table smoke. It's probably about 75% move-away).

As a BS player, my entertainment value > losses, so I keep playing.

If you're in it for the comps then find the slowest table you can. Both CSM and ASM speed up play, find a full hand shuffle table and deliberate every play.

Take that smoke break during the middle of a round, you'll still be rated. Less time playing against the house advantage = less loss.


White Guy

Well-Known Member
Here is the latest update.

12 more hrs of play. Although I was up and even and down all over during this stretch I basically ended up getting dueced on in the end.

This is by far the most variance I have seen in a short time of play since I was up +80 units at one point and ended up down about 80 when all said and done. The -160 swing came in about 3 hrs.

I was at the point that laughing was all I could do. Double digit true counts on about 5 hands a few times and I kept getting stiff 13's-16's while the dealer had a face up. If it wasn't for surrender it would have been worse!

Dealer hit 5 or 6 B jacks in one DD shoe while I was heads up. If I was paranoid I would almost think the fix was in since the count kept climbing right off the bat only to poo on me HAHA..

I know it is variance all part of the game etc so no need to remind me.. I am just venting..
