Double an 11 against a ace?

My basic strategy card says to hit, but were I play they peak so I know they don't have a blackjack. Should I hit or double when they peak with a ace?


Well-Known Member
Double an 11 vs an Ace?

This play is a very close call. It is so close that the stragedy for this particular play changes if you are using 1 deck or 6 decks. The stragedy for 1 deck is to double and the stragedy for 6 decks is to hit. You should double if your true count is plus 1 or higher with an 11 vs an Ace and hit on zero or negative counts. If you don't have any idea what the count just double when playing with 1 deck and hit when playing with more than 1 deck.


Well-Known Member
It also depends if dealer stands or hits soft 17. in H17, basic strategy tells you to double vs. everything, including ace.