Double down strategy

The strategy engine on this site for my local casino rules (6 Decks, S17,D9, DAS, No Surrender, No Peek) recommend not to double 10 & 11 against
10 & A. I have Donald Dahls Progressive Blackjack book in which his charts recommend doubling against 10 & A unless you have a 10 you dont double against a 10. Whats the concensus amongst experienced blackjack players here, is one method just a bit more conservative then the other and does is make a difference in terms of house advantage. Personally I like to play as if the dealer is always going to draw a 10, at the casino I play there is no hole card either.



Well-Known Member
Don't do it as basic strategy, you'll win less.

If you're counting, in a very positive count, the best paying play is to start doubling those hands. However, some serious players don't even like to do that, as it increases your bankroll fluctuation substantially for fairly small gain.


On the other hand, if you enjoy wild-ass gambling, it can be kind of fun. Go for it.


Well-Known Member
The strategy in the book is meant for American-style hole card games where the dealer checks for a blackjack before play begins. Since you are playing a no peek game then you should use the strategy from this website.

In a hole card game you would double against the dealer's 10 & ace because you know that he doesn't have a blackjack (he already checked), but in the no peek game you don't double because the dealer could still have a blackjack and you would lose.
