Doubling 11 vs a 2 or 3 with a very low count, DD?


Active Member
Been using a number of different programs to practice on lately, just to get the feel of different speeds and environments.

Using Yahoo today, DD H17 DOA, on Fast Speed.

Count was -8, get 8 3 vs Dealer 3.

I realized at that point, this is one of the definite plays that not doubling would/may(?) mark you as a counter. Any BS strategy worth their salt knows this is an obvious doubling situation, yet I did not want to leave my hand exposed for the dealer to make theirs.

I lost both hands after doubling and hitting a 4 and a 2.

Thoughts on situations like this?


Well-Known Member
Re: Doubling 11 vs a 2 or 3 with a very low count,

I would play the hand correctly unless the pitt boss was right there watching every move I make. I say this because with a count of -8 (I'm guessing this is the true count) you would have a minimum bet out (I probably would have made a trip to the bathroom) so doubling doesn't kill you. But with no heat at all I would play it correctly and not double. Just my opinion.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Doubling 11 vs a 2 or 3 with a very low count,

According to Wong's PBJ, for single deck DOA, H17

11 vs. 3 has index -12
11 vs. 4 has index -13

Unless you are playing a lot, I would not worry about this being a cover play. Many double, many do not, it is not a "give away" like taking insurance, or standing on 16 V. T sometimes and not others.



Well-Known Member
Re: Doubling 11 vs a 2 or 3 with a very low count,

WOW! Didn't realize the index was that high. I guess I should preface all my responses by saying that I'm still a beginner when it comes to counting effectively.

I guess the point I should make is that it is probably more important to play correctly than it is to play wrong for the sake of cover. I guess it depends on the situation and how closely you're being watched. Being a red chipper I don't get watched much, but thanks to the hot streak I've been on the last few weeks, I nearly have my bankroll built up to play quarters.


Active Member

Thanks for the input. For me I am probably most comfortable at that point making the double, especially since I was at 1 unit bet.

Like any other sport or game, I am finding with counting the name of the game is practice practice practice.