Easy question, Ill18 - 16 vs. 10


Well-Known Member
I just want to make sure I'm doing this correctly. If the count is at all positive, even a fraction, we stand on 16 vs 10, even if it's not completely a TC of 1?
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Well-Known Member
Right. That is a very volatile play so you can actually use the running count for that decision. All other decisions must be made using the true count.



Well-Known Member
hopson77 said:
Thanks, Sonny.
I have a question about the Ilustrious 18, am not sure about this but are there certain strategy changes in the Ilustrious 18 that i dont use because i play the european no hole card game????

i.e double 10 v X,A

Or do i just play all 18 of them???


Well-Known Member
BJLover said:
I have a question about the Ilustrious 18, am not sure about this but are there certain strategy changes in the Ilustrious 18 that i dont use because i play the european no hole card game????

i.e double 10 v X,A

Or do i just play all 18 of them???
i believe I18 is supposed to be fairly generic..... not sure with regards to european no hole card. you should be ok on double 10v X,A as long as they only take your original bet after the dealer completes their hand and ends up with a blackjack.