Exit Strategy

I was wondering what methods or rule each of us uses to leave the casino. Some variables might be like set amount of time each day, # of units won/lost or things like that. All this is assuming that you are playing through good and bad counts continuously. You can count in table hopping too. Please describe when you decide to leave a table and when to leave the casino for the day. All the answers are correct :). Also please site any reference to anything published related to good practices for exiting and managing total bankroll and trip bankroll.



Well-Known Member
LEave the table when either you're tired, have to take a piss, eat or when the count goes bad. Otherwise stay. Anything else is not +EV
Thunder said:
LEave the table when either you're tired, have to take a piss, eat or when the count goes bad. Otherwise stay. Anything else is not +EV
I am talking about leaving the casino for the day :whip: You wont be playing all day and all night if the count is good !!


Well-Known Member
i know it's voodoo, but it's what i do, lmao.

before i go to a joint i let cvcx and Kasi's spreadsheet determine how many units the most perfect card counter in the world will make in how ever many hours i intend to stay in the casino. so what i then have is a range of possible results for the perfect player from -SD through EV to +SD.
basically then what i'll do is leave the joint if i either hit minus 1SD or hit the EV.
so i could end up leaving a joint in as little as twenty minutes if i hit that EV number or end up staying even longer or less than i intended to stay if i end up spiraling downwards to -1SD.
if i'm feeling wild and crazy, i might shoot for the +1SD.:laugh::whip:

obviously this is not how a pro would do things.:)
sagefr0g said:
i know it's voodoo, but it's what i do, lmao.

before i go to a joint i let cvcx and Kasi's spreadsheet determine how many units the most perfect card counter in the world will make in how ever many hours i intend to stay in the casino. so what i then have is a range of possible results for the perfect player from -SD through EV to +SD.
basically then what i'll do is leave the joint if i either hit minus 1SD or hit the EV.
so i could end up leaving a joint in as little as twenty minutes if i hit that EV number or end up staying even longer or less than i intended to stay if i end up spiraling downwards to -1SD.
if i'm feeling wild and crazy, i might shoot for the +1SD.:laugh::whip:

obviously this is not how a pro would do things.:)
cool! well this was what i was looking for. I usually just leave if i am up about 20 units or so.


Well-Known Member
dumbWinner said:
cool! well this was what i was looking for. I usually just leave if i am up about 20 units or so.
it's kind of fun to do it that way. but i don't want to mislead anyone on this.
there is no real advantage to it, in fact i believe it slows your getting in as many hands as possible per casino visit, so in reality it would be a real drain on the efficiency of your play per casino visit over the long term.