first and great day playing bj

i played at blackjack today and won 200 dollars I'm extremly happy because this is my first time going to a casino to play blackjack and now with the 200 dollars that i won I'm going to buy card counting books and any strategy books i was wondering what books to get.


Well-Known Member
Best value for a newbie is Knock-out Blackjack by Vancura and Fuchs. There have been several threads on recommended reading. Do a search.


Well-Known Member
I bought that book and Fred Renzey's Blackjack Bluebook II at the same time, when I was first starting out. BBII is 10 times the book, and I still flip through it weekly. It's a great resource.

KO is definitely not as smooth to read, not nearly as well laid out, and doesn't do nearly the job of laying things out for you.

Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
If you are serious about this and plan on buying more than one book,i'd go with Blackjack Bluebook 2,and Elliot Jacobsons Blackjack Zone.While BJ Zone won't really teach you a lot,it will dispell many popular misconceptions that often affect a new player.
Both are much easier reads than KO,imho.