First attempt...

So I went to an Indian Casino yesterday to see if I could count successfully at the tables. Since I've never tried in real life before I played at a 5 dollar minumum/6 deck shoe. However, it was the only 5 dollar one there so it was always crowded. Plus, a famous comedian was doing two shows last night so the casino was probably more crowded than normal...

I'm wondering if the dealer I had delt cards faster than normal. I suppose I wasn't expecting her to deal so fast. She actually fumbled the cards 2 or 3 times dealing because of her speed.

With having 5 or 6 people at the table with me, and the speed of the dealer, I decided that I wasn't ready just yet. I know that If it was just me and maye a couple others, I would be confident about counting. I stuck with just BS and ended up making a profit. That was just luck though.

Im not upset at not counting cards because I went in there to understand and learn at what I need to practice on. I'm accurate at counting down a deck in 30 seconds and have practiced many hours... but now I realize I should practice having them delt to me quickly across a table.

My question to yall is...what is an average speed for a dealer to deal cards (if there can even be a measurement for that). AND is it even worth it to be at a table full of people?



Well-Known Member
You'll get the best results from heads up since you'll be able to play more hands per hour and the good counts will tend to last longer because there will only be six or so cards per hand with heads versus the 20+ cards that'll come with six players.

On average expect 80-100 hands per hour with other people and up to 300 hands per hour at heads up with a fast dealer. When you're counting at home make sure to add some distractions (turn on a radio or tv, talk to a friend while counting, etc.) so that you won't be distracted when you go into a casino -- all the lights and noises are great for entertaining patrons but not so great if you're trying to focus on the cards.


Edit: As for playing at a table with other people, play there when you're starting out to learn how to play and talk to other plays and stuff like that at the same time; once you get serious and start playing higher limits then you'll want to play with as few other players as possible. Good luck.
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If they only have 1 $5 table it's probably always going to be crowded, so i suggest going next time and just backcounting it...don't even bring money...and watch 2-3 of the hands to see if u can quickly decide what to do, to see if you can recognize your indice plays.


Well-Known Member
My first attempt at counting was very similar. I had to wait until a seat became free, and with seven people at the table I reckon that the 15 cards hit the felt in around 7 seconds - and the first player was playing virtually as soon as the last card was there. Too fast for me at the time. Having said that, I've only come across one other dealer who was as fast since. Stick with it.


Well-Known Member
When I first started counting I kept a mental list of Dealers Who Are Too Fast For Me. After a little experience, I was able to start crossing names off that list. That's kind of fun. :)


New Member
Just keep practicing, from one beginner to another I understand you 100%. When i downloaded the Blackjack simulator i notice that the dealer there was extremely fast for my level of counting and had to slow it down. I still haven't tried at a casino yet (trying to keep my schooling at a low cost). I tend to practice while I'm on the metro rail, or bus with and ipod on a single deck.

I'm a bit worried about my single deck count down now that you mention it. I'm a bit slow :(. I can't even deal a whole deck in 18 seconds (which is what the pro in the book i am reading recommends)

Lol Basic Strategy is really nice isn't it. I'm actually up 2,000 in my BJ simulator. I tend to lose count and just toughing it out with basic. Oh well practice practice practice.


Well-Known Member
Practice Practice.

I remember my first live session, I lost the count of ~3 shoes that day.

Yesterday, I was playing one table and counting the adjacent table at the same time. When the count tanked at my table, I jumped over to the other one and had a nice run there. It will come with time.

The really tricky stuff comes in when your counting more than one table with different games and different tags for each count, or doing a main count and second count for a side bet.


Well-Known Member
GoodEye said:
She actually fumbled the cards 2 or 3 times dealing because of her speed.

GoodEye said:
My question to yall is...what is an average speed for a dealer to deal cards (if there can even be a measurement for that).
itakeyourmoney said:
On average expect 80-100 hands per hour with other people and up to 300 hands per hour at heads up with a fast dealer.
300 is very optimistic. I've more frequently heard estimates of 60 hands at a full table to 200 hands heads up.

GoodEye said:
AND is it even worth it to be at a table full of people?
Not really. What are the rules and penetration?