free camo


Well-Known Member
I know the best camo is looking like a gambler and having fun. Are there any lines you guys like to use to give the impression that you are a gamber having fun? So far all I do is say BlackJack Baby when I get a blackjack, I say I always take even money (and then I don't), I like to talk about playing slots, and I say I like to bet big off the top.


Well-Known Member
supercoolmancool said:
I know the best camo is looking like a gambler and having fun. Are there any lines you guys like to use to give the impression that you are a gamber having fun? So far all I do is say BlackJack Baby when I get a blackjack, I say I always take even money (and then I don't), I like to talk about playing slots, and I say I like to bet big off the top.
You also need to bitch about me taking the dealer's bust card when I hit my 12 vs 6! Saying things like "dealers bust card" and something about "messing with the flow of the cards" will make you seem like a superstitious gambler.


Well-Known Member
We spoke German at the $3 table at the Boardwalk Casino in Vegas. The whole game took us 4.5 hours or so and we had so much fun. Nobody understood us til they changed the dealer. He was from Colone and came 35 years ago into the states.