Friendly dealer was totally on to me...


Well-Known Member
farmdoggy said:
I'll admit that I'm green... I have about 6 months experience as a real card counter.

I'm not saying I agree with his stereotypes of a card counter... In fact for the GOOD AP's that regularly post on this forum, they're mostly untrue. In the same sence though, could our stereotypes about dealers be untrue for some of them? Are they all evil, heartless non-humans?

I don't think I have much to lose by telling him... If he knows for sure and doesn't approve, I have to avoid him. Otherwise... I'll have to avoid him, or make -EV plays to throw him off. If he suspects I'm counting just from seeing a few bets of $10 and $15, what's he gonna think when I throw out bets of 2x$50? Also I think it might be good to know someone on the inside especially if he were to become a PC (if we were truely friends by this point, that is).

Is there anybody out there that thinks this could be a +EV move? No one out there is sleeping with the enemy?
I have friends who are eyes and who know I count. At least two of them count on their off time at casinos other than where they work. I simply avoid their shifts. I don't believe they would put my picture in the "counter" file, but they don't have my picture even if they wanted to. If I were to get caught on another shift, I do wonder what they would do. In all probability, nothing, since I don't come in on their shifts. What could they do anyway, especially if I play unrated? BTW, I knew these individuals long before I began counting or they began surveilling.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
I thought that too. Now I'm not allowed to live within 1000 feet of a school, amusement park, or day care center. It's a bad deal man, don't do it.
You'd better be careful up there. Bill O'Reilly will make sure they throw away the key next time you go before a judge in that liberal cesspool for deviants called New England. :whip: :devil: