Funny Story

I was at a little charity casino today in Ontario Canada.. (where I live), This place is pretty slezzy.. anyways I go to it because its only 40 mins from my house. Anyways the max bet is only 100 bucks.
Well, I was playing one spot and losing so I decided to start playing 2 spots when the guy beside me got up and left. I put my chip in his spot.... and he turn around and took my chip... I guess he thought it was his and thought he forgot to grab it... Anyways I told him in a nice way it was mine.. and he snapped, calling me a thief... the whole table was trying to explain to him what had happened. The security came over and the dealer told them what happened... the pit rat was no where to be seen until after security was there. Long story short I thought this guy was never going to give up. Finally they looked at the cams and explained to him what happened.

The funny part was he was playing green, I had a tiger... haha Later on he came up and bought me a beer, I guess he felt like a fool. When the game started I lost haha... I guess that chip wanted no part of me.... oh well, :cool2: Better luck in vegas next week lol