hard rock biloxi


Well-Known Member
i was looking through all my comp offers the other day and realized this casino has never sent anything to me, and asking around to my wife's family that plays there regularly they have also never received anything from them. I can see if the place had just really recently opened, but not a place that's been there over a year.

has anyone received any offers from this casino, if so is it worth continuing to play there in hopes of getting any kind of comps?



Well-Known Member
Mailers from Florida.

I played there a year ago, along with my wife - but as poker was all that they had then, we did not receive anything by mail.

Recently though,we were there for the entire beginning of November and I gave them good BJ action.

When it comes to 'mailers' they have sent us nothing at all, nor have I heard from any players who have received any offers of any kind.


Well-Known Member
ive given them some good slot and BJ play and nothing, the wifes family has dumped a bunch of money into slots and isnt ever going back due to the lack of freebies. the beau next door treats me really nice so i tend to stick to there



Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
This thread refers to FL, not MS, but your point is welcome and well taken.
Actually this thread is about the Hard Rock in MS as it is titled Hard Rock Biloxi. As far as the Hard Rock in Biloxi goes it is not affiliated with any of the other Hard Rocks. They just bought the franchise name but don't recognize any of the comps carried over from the other ones.

As far as the blackjack in the Biloxi Hard Rock, its not one of the better places for counting, especially with the Beau Rivage next door offering a very good game. If you have an eye for certain techniques though the Hard Rock can offer a decent game.


Well-Known Member
i just play there to kill some time or if ive been at the beau a bit too long i hit up the hard rock until shift changes sometimes. Mostly i dont play BJ at hard rock since ive never seem to have done any good there, i mostly play after winning a bit at the beau, ill go and play some green chip BJ, my wifes uncle mostly plays the table mins. so i can see him not getting offers but his wife tears up the $5 slots.



Well-Known Member
My wife and I both received 2-night stay offers in June and July, and then 1 night in August, but nothing since. The Beau is the bomb anyway, you can always get 2 nights free during the week each month, and often I have a quarterly 2-night offer going too, so once I combined them for 4 straight free nights there.


Well-Known Member
i have yet to use anything more than teh free table play at the beau since we have family in the area, i plan on moving that way in the next few months so i hope to get better and better stuff with more regular play, ive been getting 2 nights a month since like april of 07 when i started playing there
