Hi-Lo True count

Hey, I just got into card counting and I think i've started out pretty good. The only thing i'm having a problem with is true count. I understand that one must count the cards dealt in the first hand then divide that by the number of decks but i don't get why? Does this make it so I don't have to start back at zero when a new deck is dealt? Also would the KO system be a better bet for me to do? Thanks, any help is appreciated
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I know someone will fill in the blanks if I leave anything out but you continuously count the cards that are dealt (High-Low system means 2-6=+1 7,8,9=0 and 10s-Ace=-1). This gives you the Running Count of the deck/shoe that you are counting from. Then you divide the Running Count by the # of decks that are left in play to give you the True Count. The true count is more important to more accurately have an idea of your advantage/disadvantage over the house.


Well-Known Member
calisurfer619 said:
Also would the KO system be a better bet for me to do? Thanks, any help is appreciated

also, what are indices?
The KO count is an "unbalanced count", which eliminates the need to convert the running count (RC) to the true count (TC). There are other unbalanced counts out there too, but I use KO. With a balanced count, it is important to convert to the TC to know whether you are playing with an advantage or no.

Indices are deviations from basic strategy that correspond to the count. Sample index plays are: when to take insurance, when to stand on 16 vs. dealer 10, when to double 11 vs. A, etc.

Keep reading...memorize basic strategy...practice counting...practice some more...and good luck. It's not an overnight thing.

Also, you should check out some books about card counting. It's more than knowing what value each card is worth. You need to know how to bet the count, and what index plays to make depending on the count. Bottom line. Make it worth your time.

good luck


Well-Known Member

If you are serious about looking into KO, I recommend reading the book. It might even be at your local library, so give that a shot first. You'll find that those index plays (indices) are based on only 3 points in the RC...it's that simple.

I'll apologize for not using the correct KO terminology, because I have customized some of the terms and the count levels for my own ease of use. But there's a point at which you would stand on 16 V. 10 (I call it the TP - turning point), a point at which you are at a distinct advantage and many of those other index plays become valid (I call it the AP - advantage point), and a point at which you would take insurance (which is one below the advantage point).

But don't let my adaptations cloud your learning. It is an easy system to use. Some will lobby for their own personal favorites, and there are several good ones out there. I used hi-lo a few years back, and switched to KO because it suits my personal tastes. Like I said earlier, read up on Hi-Lo and/or KO and get an inside look at how all of this has been designed and how it is supposed to work. It's all mathematics, but the execution is what separates successful players from posers.

good luck