Hologram Blackjack

Anybody ever heard of or seen hologram blackjack. It's scheduled to be introduced in February 2007 at the Philadelphia Park Casino opening next week. It's a slots only casino so it doesn't do me much good. Is hologram blackjack just another slot machine?.....:rolleyes:
acbabe said:
Anybody ever heard of or seen hologram blackjack. It's scheduled to be introduced in February 2007 at the Philadelphia Park Casino opening next week. It's a slots only casino so it doesn't do me much good. Is hologram blackjack just another slot machine?.....:rolleyes:
It's probably an electronic blackjack machine. All the "racinos" are avoiding traditional table games like the plague.
Racinos/Table Games

The "racinos" would love to have table games. The various State Legislatures prohibit their use. West Virginia will be voting in January for the addition of table games. PA's new House Speaker is in favor, but Gov. wants to wait 3 years until "bugs" worked out of new slot parlors. Ohio just defeated both in last election.