How bad was this house edge?

Played a game at a local church/carnival. I know it was crap rules but money went to charity. I'm just curious if it there was even a chance of being beatable. All rules very generous: S17, 2 deck, about 75% pen, split anything DAS, all the usual Vegas rules AND blackjack paid a full 2 to 1 instead of a 3:2. The killer....all pushes went to the house, no getting your money back. Min was $1 max was $10. I did pretty well for quite awhile, not worrying about heat whatsoever was fun. In fact another guy at a table claimed he was counting to the dealer and he just shrugged and laughed as he drank his beer. I told him probably won't help with the push rule. Later I told him not to bother when he came back to the table cuz the RC was -9. Not sure if he was really counting cuz he said whoa really? Well that should help...not sure if he was being sarcastic or what.

I checked the handy link to Arnold Snyder's site that lists the effect of various rules but didn't see the push goes to the house rule which I imagine destroyed me. I got 3 or 4 BJ's and the 2 to 1 was great, but lost my bet on many, many pushes.


Well-Known Member
House edge!

The house edge on that game is about 7%! Compared to an average .5% so even though blackjack paid 2 to 1 the house edge was 14 times greater than normal blackjack. Of course you didn't get heat you can only bet between $1 and $10 and can never get an edge in that game the best you could do would be to get the disadvantage down to 4-5%!