How to bet

What is the equation to work out how you bet again, using a high low count. Sorry just slipped my mind.

If anyone has any other customized betting formulas, let us hear them :)


Well-Known Member
I think the your advantage in high low is calculated by
(TC/2)-initial House Edge so a full kelly bet would be

[(TC/2)-HE]*.75=% of bankroll bet


Well-Known Member
UK Counter said:
I dont understand.. what do you need to do to work out what to bet?? Anyone ??:)
It depends vastly on what type of game you're playing, what the rules are, what the penetration is, and how your bankroll is structured. What is your goal? Long term play with a large bankroll? Get in, get the money, and get out, the consequences be damned? These will affect your betting decisions.

For single deck, I would spread from 1-4, hitting 4 units at any count of +5 or higher. Double deck, change it to 1-8, and hit 8 units at +7 or so.

6 Decks, you're going to want at least 1-10, and probably more like 1-15, always hitting your max bet at a +5 true count. 8 decks you'll need to spread 1-20, probably hitting 20 units at +4.


Well-Known Member
I think that the only real advice I can give you is to make your bet a linear function of the true count that doesn't exceed full kelly because anything above full kelly is overbetting. The rest depends on the conditions you have and your personal tolerance for variance.