How to calculate KeyCount - KO

I'm studying KO method...
A question for you..
How can I calculate the KeyCount?
For example.. we know this:

Deck KeyCount
1 +2
2 +1
6 -4
8 -6

But... If do I play with 15 decks? How can I calculate the KeyCount?
why would u even play with 15 decks? Shouldnt play with more then 8!!! Or even 6!!!

But it would be
9 decks= -7
10decks= -8
Just add -1 for every deck on


Well-Known Member
Are you interested in the mathematical theory or is there a practical reason for your question?

The key count is just whatever count your advantage is >0%. AND it's not set in stone. Different rules, and different penetration could even change the key count for a given # of decks. Some times it might be -6, some times -7, and some times -5, even though all these situations could be for 8 decks.

Simulations (i.e. cvdata, cvcx, ...) are a time-tested way of knowing what the advantage is for a specific set of conditions and how to correctly bet at each advantage.