How to deal with Heat

This situation recently happened to me and I would appreciate any advice/ constructive criticism.

I was playing at a $10 - $200 table (Dealer hits soft 17, DAS, no surrender, 4 decks). My bet spread was 1-5 ($10 - $50). I was down about $300 after one hour of play when a young female dealer took over. The TC was consistently above 4. After another 15 minutes I was up around $50 when an older dealer replaced the younger one. The TC was at 18 (RC of 36 with 2 decks left and a surplus of Aces in the deck). The first hand, I had my maximum bet out and won (My 10,10 versus dealer 10,8). The second hand, I doubled down an A,9 (I pulled a 6) versus dealer 5 (she busted and started to get visibly annoyed). The third hand, I stood on a 10,4 versus a dealers 10 (Using Hi-Opt II indexes, I stand at a TC of 14). The dealer pulled a 6 and a face and proceeded to bust. She stopped dealing and told me that if I stand on my 14's someone might think I know what I'm doing. Slightly flustered, I replied, "Oh, ok" and kept playing. I left my maximum bet out and she didn't deal me in the next round. It took another round after that before she gave me any cards. I left after I gave back about 1/3 of my winnings (about 10 minutes later). I haven't been back to that casino.

Ideally, what should I have done in this situation?


Well-Known Member
bondon said:
.......She stopped dealing and told me that if I stand on my 14's someone might think I know what I'm doing. Slightly flustered, I replied, "Oh, ok" and kept playing. I left my maximum bet out and she didn't deal me in the next round. It took another round after that before she gave me any cards. ......... I haven't been back to that casino.

Ideally, what should I have done in this situation?
i don't know how you could have handled it better. i especially like the part where you said, "Oh, ok" .
Yeah, I couldn't believe it! She looked me in the eye and dealt to the players at 1st and 3rd base (I was sitting in the centre), completely ignoring me for 2 rounds.

jack said:
Whatdayamean she wouldnt deal you the next round. She completely Ignored you and skipped right over your bets?


Well-Known Member
bondon said:
Yeah, I couldn't believe it! She looked me in the eye and dealt to the players at 1st and 3rd base (I was sitting in the centre), completely ignoring me for 2 rounds.
You should of accidentally spilt your whole drink all over the table. In her direction. Then left.


Well-Known Member
whenever i make a stand on a stiff i always immediately get angry and frustrated when it is dealt, then say, no im sick of busting ima let you bust this time, also that i have too much money on the table to risk busting.

In my experience ive never got a second look betting 50 a hand perhaps you wernt upto your game in looking away from the table at random times, and gave off the aura of "im watching every card as they come out" which is easy to do if your sitting in the middle of the table. Also when making a ballsy deviation like doubling a soft 20, you need to apear to have balls, saying "i would like to double this please" may give off a bad aura, i typically say "yo fukc this ****, he/shes going to bust ima double up, look shs got a 6 right there you see it"

They dont have four deck in AC, do counts of 18 occur on a regular basis in them?, The highest iv ever seen in my playing carreer was +12tc on a six deck and that only lasted one hand before dropping to 8, and i very much remember being dealt a A8 vs 7 and considered doubling it, but didnt because i didnt know the index, which we have determined to be 17.

Yeah and i agree "oh ok.." is a good response
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Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
i don't know how you could have handled it better. i especially like the part where you said, "Oh, ok" .
that's the lame kind of comeback I would have come back with. A better one would be "Stop trying to get me to mess up the flow of the cards by taking your bust card!".

And if she skipped me on the hand (with a bet in the circle), I would have raised bloody hell with the floor, for being skipped on my max bet off the top of the shoe after a fresh shuffle when I'm on my "winning streak". Besides, it might at least give the other players a chance to back out of their hands if they had dogs and the pit wanted to call it a dead hand. Of course, this might even further antagonize the dealer, and if she was the only person who suspected you of counting, she might narc you out to management later, so it might further backfire.

Now, I don't know where you're playing (especially with 4 deck games). But only a $50 max bet? Only a 1-5 spread? It sounds fishy. (Disclaimer: I've been backed off a game with a $50 max bet as well, it's not like I'm the king of camo).

But there are some little things you could maybe to act like a gambler, if you're not doing it already. Act excited when you double A,9 vs 6. Act either instantly decisive, or worried and scared, when you stand on your 14... but don't look calculating.

Sounds like you may have some other issues at this casino.
Ferretnparrot said:
...say "yo fukc this ****, he/shes going to bust ima double up, look shs got a 6 right there you see it"

They dont have four deck in AC, do counts of 18 occur on a regular basis...

That's awesome. I like your style Ferret. I'm going to start playing with some attitude. I've never seen the count get that high before. It's the first time I've ever seen the count that high since I started playing a little over a year ago.
EasyRhino said:
that's the lame kind of comeback I would have come back with.
And if she skipped me on the hand (with a bet in the circle), I would have raised bloody hell with the floor, for being skipped on my max bet off the top of the shoe after a fresh shuffle when I'm on my "winning streak". Besides, it might at least give the other players a chance to back out of their hands if they had dogs and the pit wanted to call it a dead hand. Of course, this might even further antagonize the dealer, and if she was the only person who suspected you of counting, she might narc you out to management later, so it might further backfire.

Now, I don't know where you're playing (especially with 4 deck games). But only a $50 max bet? Only a 1-5 spread? It sounds fishy. (Disclaimer: I've been backed off a game with a $50 max bet as well, it's not like I'm the king of camo).

But there are some little things you could maybe to act like a gambler, if you're not doing it already. Act excited when you double A,9 vs 6. Act either instantly decisive, or worried and scared, when you stand on your 14... but don't look calculating.

Sounds like you may have some other issues at this casino.
Thanks for the advice, the dealer caught me off guard with her comment and I didn't want to draw attention to myself by calling over the pit bosses. I normally play a 1-10 spread ($5 - $50) but the nickel tables were crowded. My BR is $7500 to minimize risk of ruin. Do you have any suggestions for an improved betting schedule?

Right now I'm doing the following:

If I'm playing heads up with dealer

TC = 1 - $5
TC = 2 - $10
TC = 3 - $25
TC = 4 and up - $50

If there's more than one player I do the following:

TC = 1 - $5
TC = 2 - $10
TC = 3 - $25
TC = 4 - 2 hands of $30 each
TC = 5 - 2 hands of $50 each
