I took the dealer's "bust card"


Well-Known Member
Talking about poker Mike Caro discussed the concept of advertising. Advertising is intentionally making a bad play in order to get more action from your opponents later on. An example he gave was raising before the draw, patting (in draw poker) an abysmal hand like Q9752, and then checking after the draw. His point was that your play had to be sufficiently bizarre to jar your opponents' minds, and at least by this category surrendering 16 v 2 succeeds.
Thus reminds me of when I was playing a few nights ago. I had an 8 unit bet out there with a TC of 3 using hi lol. The dealer has an ace so I insure. One or the ploppies at the table asks what insurance is and one of the ladies there said "the worst bet you could make. " Please keep in mind that this lady was betting almost every side bet which was at least a 20% house edge. A few hands later she gets a blackjack and the dealer has an ace. She took even money. This type of thing would usually just amuse me but in this case I had just lost all of my profits after an 8 hour session and was in a bad mood. I said "I thought.... " then just had to bite me tongue before I said "I thought you said insurance was the worst bet you could make? "
Ended up winning like 20 bucks lol