Interesting experienced.

Well, as the title states, i ran into an interesting experience saturday night whiile i was at the Casino. I was playing blackjack, with two other guys, and these two guys knew each other. Anyways, one guy was dealt 14 and his friend was dealt pocket aces, and the dealer was showing an 8. now, as we all know, you're suppose to hit that 14 when the dealer shows an 8. However, the guy with the 14 said " No bro, i won't hit im gonna give you my tens bro". And his friend, replied with "No bro, you gotta do what you gotta do man". Anyways, it went back and forth, and in the end, the guy stayed at 14 lol. I found this extremely hilarious because of the fact that he stayed, because he thought he was going to get his friends' ten card. Anyways, so he stayed, and his friend split the aces, and got pictures on both. The dealer ended up getting 19, cause the guy with 14 to lose. Once that hand was done, the man with 14 said "Bro, you won because of me, give me some money". Lol, and the guy with the aces said "Ya you're right", and actually gave him one unit!:eek:

I was freaking out. How dumb can people be. Anyways, it was just an interesting story i thought i'd share with you all. I would also like to hear of similiar experiences if you guys have.

-Montreal Casino.


Well-Known Member
I'm at a table with one other player - a drunk guy (you can always tell when someone's been there all night when it's about 9 AM and he's ordering another hard drink.) Count is positive, I have a decent-sized bet out and wind up with a split. He has a 12 and dealer has a 3 showing. He's says to me "since you have a big bet out, you tell me what to do." I say "OK, stand so we bust the dealer," figuring I might as well play his hand by the count. Sure enough, the dealer busts and we both win.

A little while later, count is neutral and I have a small bet out, and he puts a big bet out. Trying not to pass up an opportunity for cover, I say to him, "this time you have the big bet, so you play my hand." I lose, he wins, and he throws me a chip for letting him win.
EasyRhino said:
So... they were American?
i hate "bra" "bro" "mate" etc.. mate is short for teammate.. what team? there is no team, why are you calling random people on the internet your teammate? im going to do a poll on how many people on here are american, im just curious..