iPhone's Card Counter app

Hi everyone,

I've been silently following this forum for a couple weeks. Good stuff here and great community!

Anyway, I'd like to know your opinion on the app named "Card Counter" in the app store. I've gotten very fast with counting but am not sure how that translates to the felt. Has anyone seen this program?

I have seen a couple of PC based programs recommended here, but I am almost always on the go and have found this app very convenient when waiting in lines, on an elevator, etc.

I've known BS cold for about a year and have had some positive variance. I just started CC'ing a couple weeks ago using this app and think I will play some nickels down south to test out live play.

Anything I should do before moving from the screen to the felt? I'm very fast at canceling +/- cards and know BS cold.


Hehe no I am not...

The app just throws random cards at increasing speeds and asks you the count.

There are a couple different patterns:

1. One card on top of the other
2. Simulated heads up play against dealer
3. 26 card pick-up style where cards are thrown in loose rows and columns

It judges accuracy and time.
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Well-Known Member
I recently bought an iPhone and picked up this app, more for novelty than anything else. In my estimation, the app is pretty good for what it offers; it's decently polished, and more importantly, it will help you get better at counting.

Its shortcoming is the lack of practice options: other than choosing the level of difficulty, there are none. You are forced to repeat the same "obstacle course" each time, starting from the easier drills and progressing to the more challenging. It would have been nice to have the option of practicing individual drills as well.

Another fault is the drill in which actual hands of blackjack are dealt: basic strategy is not followed, and the player has no option of how to play. Although allowing the player to do so might compromise the time-sensitive nature of the drill, it is also a crucial form of practice. It is essential to be able to know and use basic strategy while keeping the count at the same time, and unfortunately this app won't help you learn that.

Overall, though, it is worth the few bucks to have at your disposal a portable method of practice other than a deck of cards.