
In Adelaide,Australia we only have one casino.I wont go into the rules of bj here as it has been mentioned before.My question to players out there is this.
It's often been stated that with a high negative count[when one is card-counting]the dealer has the advantage.He can build up a good hand with the small cards remaining in the decks.

Here's my contention: surely, a player can also build up a good hand, just like the dealer ,using small cards.With small cards remaining, a player knows when to deviate from the basic strategy.Not to double down on 9,10 or 11's.Not to take insurance.I have quite often bet and won against the dealer using flat bets with a high negative count.

Finally can someone enlighten me as to how to vercome csm's if and when they are introduced into my casino.


Staff member
Negative count situations also mean fewer blackjacks for you (and also the dealer, but he only wins even money on them). In addition, though you will get more double-down opportunities, you won't fare as well on them. But the main issue is that the dealer is less likely to bust.

While you can use strategy variations to reduce the cost of playing in negative counts, you can't eliminate it.

Beating CSMs? Other than a few ideas exploring the possibility that cards recently put back into the machine may not appear on the next few rounds, there's nothing out there that appears promising.