KO/REKO Indices Help!

Hi all, newbie here saying hello. Hope I'm not too late to learn card counting. So I've taken the interest, read up KO Blackjack and just started Blackbelt in Blackjack. I mastered BS and have been practicing REKO with CV.

I'm currently confused with the indices. The KO book stated that for upcard of 12 and above, stand if RC >= Value, otherwise hit; and double down for upcard of 11 and below. I'm assuming the REKO indices at QFIT site holds the same principle. So just now I was playing with CV, RC is 22 (I set IRC to 0), meaning the indices effect kicks in right? I have a hard 16 against a dealer 10. From what I understand, I'm supposed to stand right? So I hit "S" button on the keyboard but the error message popped out saying I should hit.

Am I understanding it wrongly here? Please help shed some light guys.
Guys could you explain the actions on the indices for REKO? Is it like KO where all other action is hit? eg. for index 16vT stand if RC>=x otherwise hit.
Thanks very much.