My First Experience

Here it goes...

After multiple hours of browsing the I.Net, looking for a good Blackjack place/forum/hood to post, relax and have someone who can truly understand what I feel when I play Black Jack;as I felt out of place with my friends, as most of them are afraid of the idea of betting more than 100 bucks in a casino. All I tell them, the lower the higher your ROR. They stare at me and simply walk away muted, leaving me alone at my BJ table while they go play roulette or video poker. (Ive explained them the House Edge but their too stubborn)...BlackJackInfo Found me...

So well, let me tell you my story: It all started about 2 months ago, cant recall the exact date, when I watched the film 21, thought it was good, and was excited by the whole plot and the idea of counting cards and the possibility of gaining an edge over the casino. Numbers have been my friends since I was little, and Math's has always been my strong subject, anyhow, I told my Math Teacher about it, and he was all like, yeah been there done that, have a couple of books for you if your interest. I was like yeah, that'd be great, so he lend me two books, which I read in three days.

They were all about Hi-Lo, Cheating,Indices,Basic Strategy,ROR, Variances, Tournaments. Good Read overall, but I wanted more, I couldnt be satisfied by just reading that sort of stuff, I wanted to live it with my own flesh. So I took 20 $ and went to a Casino near my house. Played Roulette and lost horribly. Stupid enough, I went back, but won 50$, repeat all this, until you count it all up to total loosings of 150$:cry: It was truly, painful. But i felt stupid, as I knew BlackJack was the way to go.

So one week I decided to print multiple Basic Strategy Sheets and fill them in. In a week, I already had them mastered. So I was confident I could go in and win a little bit of money. Got in with 100$ part of the money earned in a graduation party, I was afraid but yet filled with excitement. It was like when you go clubbing, and you do eX. But felt better. I sat down, I was pretty noobish, I was in First base and two other guys were sitting right besides me, to my left. Dealer started to show me cards, but before the guard came up and asked me for ID. PFfff, I was safe. Hand after Hand, I saw it was a bit more complicated, the dealer ( was a blonde with facial hair ewww) was killing us, bloodshed between the three of the players. I was down 60$ and was freaking scared of loosing it all. I was following the 1X-2X-3X-4X betting scheme where if u lose you add one unit if you win you lower your bet on one unit. I altered it, on some hands. But after those losses, I started winning like a beast, just when the dealear changed, hand after hand, doubling splitting, blackjack, dealer busted. It was great, in 30 minutes i was 200$ up. WON 25 more and tipped the dealer 10. Played only with Basic Strategy. Walked off, and was feeling unique, supernatural. Went clubbing, bought whisky for my friends, and had the best night in a long time.

THX blackjack.

Now, what are your tips, if I wanna come back and win some more, what bankroll should I get. As of now I got 350$. What bet strategy.

Im learning to speedcount (Hi-Lo by pairs) and trying to learn the Illustrious 18 table. Going back to the casino on Saturday. See how it goes then.

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Well-Known Member
Your not betting corectly. Your missing something.

CheapChip said:
Here it goes...

After multiple hours of browsing the I.Net, looking for a good Blackjack place/forum/hood to post, relax and have someone who can truly understand what I feel when I play Black Jack;as I felt out of place with my friends, as most of them are afraid of the idea of betting more than 100 bucks in a casino. All I tell them, the lower the higher your ROR. They stare at me and simply walk away muted, leaving me alone at my BJ table while they go play roulette or video poker. (Ive explained them the House Edge but their too stubborn)...BlackJackInfo Found me...

So well, let me tell you my story: It all started about 2 months ago, cant recall the exact date, when I watched the film 21, thought it was good, and was excited by the whole plot and the idea of counting cards and the possibility of gaining an edge over the casino. Numbers have been my friends since I was little, and Math's has always been my strong subject, anyhow, I told my Math Teacher about it, and he was all like, yeah been there done that, have a couple of books for you if your interest. I was like yeah, that'd be great, so he lend me two books, which I read in three days.

They were all about Hi-Lo, Cheating,Indices,Basic Strategy,ROR, Variances, Tournaments. Good Read overall, but I wanted more, I couldnt be satisfied by just reading that sort of stuff, I wanted to live it with my own flesh. So I took 20 $ and went to a Casino near my house. Played Roulette and lost horribly. Stupid enough, I went back, but won 50$, repeat all this, until you count it all up to total loosings of 150$:cry: It was truly, painful. But i felt stupid, as I knew BlackJack was the way to go.

So one week I decided to print multiple Basic Strategy Sheets and fill them in. In a week, I already had them mastered. So I was confident I could go in and win a little bit of money. Got in with 100$ part of the money earned in a graduation party, I was afraid but yet filled with excitement. It was like when you go clubbing, and you do eX. But felt better. I sat down, I was pretty noobish, I was in First base and two other guys were sitting right besides me, to my left. Dealer started to show me cards, but before the guard came up and asked me for ID. PFfff, I was safe. Hand after Hand, I saw it was a bit more complicated, the dealer ( was a blonde with facial hair ewww) was killing us, bloodshed between the three of the players. I was down 60$ and was freaking scared of loosing it all. I was following the 1X-2X-3X-4X betting scheme where if u lose you add one unit if you win you lower your bet on one unit. I altered it, on some hands. But after those losses, I started winning like a beast, just when the dealear changed, hand after hand, doubling splitting, blackjack, dealer busted. It was great, in 30 minutes i was 200$ up. WON 25 more and tipped the dealer 10. Played only with Basic Strategy. Walked off, and was feeling unique, supernatural. Went clubbing, bought whisky for my friends, and had the best night in a long time.

THX blackjack.

Now, what are your tips, if I wanna come back and win some more, what bankroll should I get. As of now I got 350$. What bet strategy.

Im learning to speedcount (Hi-Lo by pairs) and trying to learn the Illustrious 18 table. Going back to the casino on Saturday. See how it goes then.



Well-Known Member
CheapChip said:
So I took 20 $ and went to a Casino near my house. Played Roulette
What, did you get lost on the way to the blackjack table or something?

I recommend getting a bunch of decks of cards, and practicing at home, until you can
1) play basic strategy
2) Count
3) Vary your bets according to the count

All at the same time

And then I recommend quitting, and finding better endeavors, like chasing after 18 year old Canadian girls.
No blackjack tables at that first casino, where I played roulette.

So let me get it straight. You think its a waste of time going to the casino? Rhino. I mean you can definately do both: hunting for canadian girls while getting priveledged entertainment in beating the house.


Well-Known Member
CheapChip said:
Now, what are your tips, if I wanna come back and win some more, what bankroll should I get.
Here’s a few tips based on what you’ve said so far:

Stop using a progression betting system like the 1X 2X 3X system you mentioned. It will not give you an advantage. In fact, it will only cause you to lose more money because you are raising your bets so often. You do not have an advantage if you are only playing basic strategy so there’s no reason to raise your bets at all. You will only lose more money that way.

If you’re sweating a $60 loss, you aren’t going to last long. You can easily lose 30-60 units per hour. If you are playing with a $10 unit then you can expect swings of $300-$600 per hour. Playing for several hours means even larger swings.

You’ll need a much bigger bankroll if you want to have a chance at making any money counting cards. Around $5,000-$10,000 is a good start. You can start with less but you are likely to go broke unless you are playing a very aggressive game.

Stop tipping the dealers. You can’t afford it.

Stop going to the casinos. A casino is not a good place to practice. Start practicing at home, either with cards or using computer software. Practicing in a casino is too distracting and too expensive. Also, the dealers and other players will give you terrible advice that might cost you even more money.

Be prepared to spend the next six months practicing at home. I know you’re excited to play in a casino, but you’re not going to be ready for a long time. You have to be patient and you have to learn to control your emotions.

CheapChip said:
No blackjack tables at that first casino, where I played roulette.

So let me get it straight. You think its a waste of time going to the casino? Rhino. I mean you can definately do both: hunting for canadian girls while getting priveledged entertainment in beating the house.

It would be cheaper for you to go get some crack whore and let her give you that priveledged entertainment.