New guy saying hi

Just wanted to introduce myself. Obviously by my name I am a Chief in the US Navy. I have been reading on the forums for about 2 months. Been playing blackjack off and on for 8 years. 8 3/4 of those years was playing bad and losing. I have since started using BS and adhering to it religiously or as best as I can. I took a bad beating last week of for $1200. I spent a week calming down and regaining my composure, and have been on fire Sun-Today. I am up around $9,000 for 3 days and am leaving shortly for my Casino here in MN. I havent got the hang of counting yet. i am good with math just not in my head, plus I am easily distracted in the Casino. Basically I am here to learn and share experiences both good and bad. So that I can improve my game and help others as well. Nothing I hate worse than and idiot sitting at a table a fcuking up everyone else.

NVYCHIEF17 said:
Just wanted to introduce myself. Obviously by my name I am a Chief in the US Navy. I have been reading on the forums for about 2 months. Been playing blackjack off and on for 8 years. 8 3/4 of those years was playing bad and losing. I have since started using BS and adhering to it religiously or as best as I can. I took a bad beating last week of for $1200. I spent a week calming down and regaining my composure, and have been on fire Sun-Today. I am up around $9,000 for 3 days and am leaving shortly for my Casino here in MN. I havent got the hang of counting yet. i am good with math just not in my head, plus I am easily distracted in the Casino. Basically I am here to learn and share experiences both good and bad. So that I can improve my game and help others as well. Nothing I hate worse than and idiot sitting at a table a fcuking up everyone else.
That is a great win, congrats. Are you a 6d, 4d or dd player?

I guess you have been on fire. What kind of bet scheme are you using?



Well-Known Member
NVYCHIEF17 said:
So that I can improve my game and help others as well. Nothing I hate worse than and idiot sitting at a table a fcuking up everyone else.
Firstly, what's your objective, have fun? make a lil moola? be a chum to all and sundry? a lil of each?

A small pearl of wisdom given to me when i first started here by some of the grandest grandmasters: Do not give a crap about anyone else's game except your own. Often you see a lot of people saying: "oh hey, he took my ten" or "wow you made the dealer get 21" or even "do not interrupt my sacred flow of cards". its all poppycock!

Focus firstly on your game, getting it right 100% of the time, then once u get it down pat, play the game, pick up chicky babes etc etc, but as its your money on the block you owe it to yourself to get with the program.

Since you are not counting or doing anything underhanded, print off from this site one of the strategy tables for your game and take it with you to the casino, dont be afraid to crosscheck your moves, make sure your on the right decision train.

sit back enjoy the ride, dont bet beyond your limits, plan and be prepared :)


Well-Known Member
NVYCHIEF17 said:
Obviously by my name I am a Chief in the US Navy.
Welcome aboard mate :)

Do guys in the Navy still play "acey-decey" a backgammon-like game? Somehow I thought maybe the Navy invented it lol.

My cousin and his friend, many years ago, after a very large amount of dedicated scientific experimentation, invented the "Saints-Cyzewski Modified Rum Goody a la Guantanomo" while spending too much time there in the Navy years ago.

He claimed perfection and I haven't disagreed with him yet lol.

It's like a fist in a velvet glove on a hot day on the beach :grin:

BJ is more like just the fist lmao.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your service to our country, and welcome.
Now take your last sentence, edit it out and never even think about it again.
The only way a player at your table can **** anybody up is by smoking a cheap cigar.
Got that? Nothing a player does ,as far as hitting or not hitting, matters in the long run. Not if he's to your left, nor to your right. First to act, nor last to act.
Failure to accept this fact will result in you never progressing any further.
As far as using your knowledge to help others at the table- forget that for now and concentrate on your play. Trying to help others or give advice is a waste of energy. Perhaps down the road, but not now.
shadroch said:
Thanks for your service to our country, and welcome.
Now take your last sentence, edit it out and never even think about it again.
The only way a player at your table can **** anybody up is by smoking a cheap cigar.
Got that? Nothing a player does ,as far as hitting or not hitting, matters in the long run. Not if he's to your left, nor to your right. First to act, nor last to act.
Failure to accept this fact will result in you never progressing any further.
As far as using your knowledge to help others at the table- forget that for now and concentrate on your play. Trying to help others or give advice is a waste of energy. Perhaps down the road, but not now.
Point taken, I let bad players get to me last night and it cost me........Told myself just stick to my play and BS, but that didnt happen. Learning curve i guess
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