NFL Systems Selects Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Want to know the truth? Even Ron Paul is full of ****. A Libertarian policy will always give birth to a robber baron government/corporate collusion.

Where Ron Paul is helpful is as a training element for the stupid die hard republicans. Certainly many are incurably diseased but some on the borderline can be helped. This is where and only where Paul gets his real usefulness.

I compare Ron Paul to a strong sewer cleaning element. Like Drano or other waste line degreasers. Good for unclogging the scum from the line but you don't want them anywhere near the dinner table.

Ron Paul is a nice guy. Unfortunately these types are "bad parents" for future generations of Conservatives.

Eisenhower begot Nixon

Goldwater begot Reagan.

Bush I begot Bush II

Bush I was still pretty bad himself but his son is beyond wretched. As you know.

More drivel.