hey guys, im a noob, i have been experimenting with this for a few days now and i get hilo and can do it. however i need some help with the basics if someone could take me under their wing and just help me. Thanks


Well-Known Member
kicker7734 said:
hey guys, im a noob, i have been experimenting with this for a few days now and i get hilo and can do it. however i need some help with the basics if someone could take me under their wing and just help me. Thanks
I am somewhat of a nub, but at least I can help you with some of the basics. Gamemaster's Blackjack School is an excellent free online resource that will help a lot. Not to sound condescending, but I am quite confident that you do not "get hilo" nor can you "do it."

Before even considering counting, you must first learn BS and be able to recall the right play without thinking (well thats impossible but you get my drift ;)). This will tell you exactly what to do depending on the rules of the game.

After that, choose your counting method. Here's a list of the most popular strategies. I believe Gamemaster's Blackjack School tells the difference between PC, BC, and IC so you can choose from there. Hi-Lo is the most popular and quite simple so that would be a fine system to use (but know that there are more powerful methods that would increase your EV (expected value = $)). You must be able to keep a running count (suggested that you be able to count down a deck in at least 25-30 seconds although faster is always better) and be able to convert to true count. This is all covered in the GM's BJ School. You must also be able to recall index plays, which are deviations from BS depending on the count. WoO has an example for Hi-Lo, but once again, it is dependent on rules.

But knowing how to play isn't enough. Betting "high" when the count is "good" is not enough. An interesting aspect of CCing I actually enjoy but others may not is that essentially EVERYTHING is mathematically proven. You think you can just sit down at a table and just start making money? Whats your BR size? What is the Risk of Ruin you are willing to accept? Even with counting, it is possible to lose $10k playing a 25-100 spread in a "good" game.

Ok, so now you know BS perfectly, can count a deck in 25 seconds, and you know the optimal betting ramp for your current monetary situation. Can you do it with distractions and under pressure? It is VERY different from practicing at home. Try counting down a deck while trying to pay attention to TV or try singing while counting.

QFIT has some great programs that will help you with practice and simplify calculations that are otherwise way too complicated for most people to bother with.

I believe I covered the basics of CC but if you are really serious about learning, I strongly reccomend reading Don Schlesinger's Blackjack Attack, Standford Wong's Proffesional Blackjack, and ... Eh I stopped typing because I remember a nice list of books to read in the Stickies in this forum. Which reminds me, read the stickies, they are very helpful. Anyway, this should get you started ;)
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Well-Known Member
kicker7734 said:
hey guys, im a noob, i have been experimenting with this for a few days now and i get hilo and can do it. however i need some help with the basics if someone could take me under their wing and just help me. Thanks
if your wondering what happens when a group of guys trys to count cards check this thread:
sort of shows how it might go. the ups and downs ect.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
if your wondering what happens when a group of guys trys to count cards check this thread:
sort of shows how it might go. the ups and downs ect.
pff I dont "try" i DO. :grin: the last couple hundred hands has been killing my pretty 7% (or whatever) advantage hehe. I'll post my new results up later while my awesome contribution can sink in lol. (Looks like I proved my own point ;))


Well-Known Member
kicker7734 said:
hey guys, im a noob, i have been experimenting with this for a few days now and i get hilo and can do it. however i need some help with the basics if someone could take me under their wing and just help me. Thanks
What region of the country are you in?