Now here this.....

Yesterday at my local casino I was informed by a dealer about a situation dealing with a player blackjack and the effect it has on the dealers hand at the time or on the next round....Here is how it went.
The table had 5 players and first base got a natural the dealer had a 9 up and after everyone played. The dealer said see my up card? now look what I have under it...befor he rolled it he said it would be a 10.....sure enough it was.
Ok he went on to sey that 80% of the time if the table gets a natural or a hit 21 he dealer will make a 19 20 or 21 on that hand and if he bustes the next hand will be a 20 or 21. We are running sims on this claim and it seems that he could be right.
My question has anyone seen this happen...and is this one of the tricks that blackjack has that only experience can show you? and is this the only one or is thier more. Mike.


Well-Known Member

Running sim's on this is a clear waste of time.

People who depend upon their faulty, defective, selective memories
are doomed to believe such nonsensical superstitious nonsense.
I prefer logic and empirical thinking aided by mathematics.
