Please Guys, Think!


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen: Please think before you post things......

1. Don't post the Name of Casinos you are playing in, unless its a junk hole and your post doesn't really have to do with Advantage Play.

2. Don't Post the Name or Location of good conditions! If somebody needs/wants to know... do it privately. (or not at all)

3. Don't Post names or descriptions of Casino personnell. It will get you busted.

4. There are more things that shouldn't be said publicly... Think!

5. Do post about stupid things Casinos do that are bad for all players... and Name Them.
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Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
So true.

I've seen posters brag about hitting a store and receiving no heat in one thread (after being "advised" they shouldn't make such comments public in an earlier thread).

Very frustrating to see someone recklessly potentially ruin conditions for others just because they like to talk about their success.



daddybo said:
Gentlemen: Please think before you post things......

1. Don't post the Name of Casinos you are playing in, unless its a junk hole and your post doesn't really have to do with Advantage Play.

2. Don't Post the Name or Location of good conditions! If somebody needs/wants to know... do it privately. (or not at all)

3. Don't Post names or descriptions of Casino personnell. It will get you busted.

4. There are more things that shouldn't be said publicly... Think!

5. Do post about stupid things Casinos do that are bad for all players... and Name Them.


How right you are! I just read a post on BJ21 by "IBEATYOURACES" of June 17th, referring to the games at MGM and Greektown.

Now this goof ball may want all to think he really knows his stuff, and maybe he does, but his posting in this instance shows gross stupidity that can only make one think he has a screw loose or is a major poseur,,,what an A## H#le:mad:

If I was not so busy I would take a drive there to eye ball the play of this dumb piece of S##t.:whip: (and if I were the casino I would nail this pr##k).

I will say we have few here that are guilty of such stupidity and when it does happen the post does not stand for long.:cool:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
How right you are! I just read a post on BJ21 by "IBEATYOURACES" of June 17th, referring to the games at MGM and Greektown.
The MGM game is described exactly as he describes it (8D, 1.0 cut) in CBJN. What secrets are being divulged?