

Well-Known Member
Had my worst experience EVER with ploppies last night.

I'm a BS player. Hit a 12 against a dealer 12 and was taken to task for this. This is by someone who subsequently split 5's against a dealer 6 (yes, split, not double down). Another player also critized my play, and subsequently did a similar move.

I suggested if they didn't like my play, there were other tables.

These guys were mad.

What would you do?
Ploppies being dumb..

I ignore their mistakes. I love it when they do dumb things like splitting tens and the like because it makes the table empty up. Also ploppies making horrible BS mistakes is what makes the casino their money, thus allowing the game of BJ to continue to exist!! Don't get mad at them, anyone who knows statistics knows that ultimately it doesn't matter one cent how the other players play, the house edge will still be the same in the long run as long as your play is perfect.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could say this kind of play (split 5's etc) was reserved for the $5 min table (where it seems like it takes 2 or 3 people to decide what to do with their cards) but I have seen this nonsense at $25 min tables.

And their is a real phobia among some plays of hitting stiff 15's and 16's (and no, they were doing no kind of advantage play - they just didn't want to bust).


Well-Known Member
i once sat next to a guy who kept on saying, "if you're gonna hit it you might as well double it"... didn't really seem to matter the situation... didn't bother me until he kept telling me to double stuff... fwiw, he was drinking and seemed to be a bit hammered... not too out of character for somebody at a casino, but then again, it was 9 AM.


Well-Known Member
cc218 said:
i once sat next to a guy who kept on saying, "if you're gonna hit it you might as well double it"... didn't really seem to matter the situation... didn't bother me until he kept telling me to double stuff... fwiw, he was drinking and seemed to be a bit hammered... not too out of character for somebody at a casino, but then again, it was 9 AM.
Hey, this is why casinos keep this blackjack thing around.


Well-Known Member
Works every time

bjhack said:
Had my worst experience EVER with ploppies last night.

I'm a BS player. Hit a 12 against a dealer 12 and was taken to task for this. This is by someone who subsequently split 5's against a dealer 6 (yes, split, not double down). Another player also critized my play, and subsequently did a similar move.

I suggested if they didn't like my play, there were other tables.

These guys were mad.

What would you do?
Next time they say something, reply: "I guess I did make a mistake. Next time I get that hand, I'll let you buy it from me and you can play it anyway you want to."
Whenever I see a really stupid play, I always congratulate the player commenting;" now there's a real expert play".
We should encourage bad play. It's not our job to teach the game to bad players.


Well-Known Member
First, try hard to ignore it.

He is your benefactor.

You owe the morons and degenerates a debt of gratitude for
providing profits to the house so that we can win some of it.

NEVER debate Basic Strategy.

If it continues, say something like:

" I'll tell you what. I am betting my money, not yours. I'll play my cards my way and you play yours as you see fit."

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
fredperson said:
Whenever I see a really stupid play, I always congratulate the player commenting;" now there's a real expert play".
We should encourage bad play. It's not our job to teach the game to bad players.
For me it would be extremely hard to dispel any sarcasm from my voice.


Well-Known Member

This happened to me. Imagine witnessing it:

A ploppy woman has a lot to say about my card play. She loses
stacks of green chips and I keep accruing modest, consistent, profits.

Annoying is what it became; but I put an end to it by saying,
"Everybody plays differently. After all, its better to be lucky than smart."

A minute later I receive "the tap" by the shift manager, and my
detractor freaks out, yelling Holy Sh*t! I can't believe it! etc. etc.

FLASH1296 said:

You owe the morons and degenerates a debt of gratitude for
providing profits to the house so that we can win some of it.
Am new to forum, will continue to seek better, but, the above statement is surely the most profound and literate I have found thus far!!

Honestly, I enjoy playing with average gamblers when they're not surly or rude, which is often if you can make yourself likeable. Their excitement about the game makes it fun and if you can fuel that excitement and get involved in it yourself... In my opinion, a player that is clearly having fun and enjoying a casino's facilities is much less of a target for the pit than the stereotypical AP. Playing with gamblers makes it much easier to "be" this player, and it takes some of the grind out of the game, to boot.


Well-Known Member
ploppie camo

The so called ploppie provides some of the best cover for your game. It is excellent cover for your index plays and betting. A table full of them is tough to tolerate though if you are not winning.
blackchipjim said:
The so called ploppie provides some of the best cover for your game. It is excellent cover for your index plays and betting. A table full of them is tough to tolerate though if you are not winning.

Happened to me yesterday, it was me in seat 6, french guy who had spots 3/4 and a guy in seat 1.

The count was 5 so I put out a $25 bet (5 reds). As soon as I do this and the dealer is about to put her first card out the french guy puts out a bet on a new spot. I let it go...and this guy rarely doubled or split, never hit 13, 14, 15, 16 even when the dealer showed a picutre card. So of course, me being with the same hand as him, I have to take a card, of course instead of him busting I did.

Put out a higher bet...what does he do? Same thing. What do I then do, put out table minimum bet. I ended up busting sadly, but I think he got the message.