

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I split my 8,8 vs dealer 10 at a true count of +5 with my max bet of 15 units out, only to draw yet another 8 :( split again and drew two tens and an ace for 2 18's and a nineteen. Of course I don't have to tell ya what the dealer had. I've never bothered to learn an index number for this play (I play about 30 indices) but now am courious. Multi deck game, stand 17, das, NO SURRENDER. At what true count should you stand with 8,8 vs dealer X rather than split?? thanx in advance.

P.S heading to vegas next week for 10 days. Can't wait to get away from atlantic city's crappy game for a bit. :)


Well-Known Member
I visit vegas twice a year, shadroch. I know the games have deteriorated in past several years but compared to Jersey, still a better game and a bigger variety to choose from. AC has only 12 casinos with about 3 decent games between them. Also being in mid 20's I enjoy the vegas clubs a bit. :cool:


Well-Known Member
The problem I found as a former AC player is that in AC you don't need to do much camo play. You can pretty much spread as you want,and get away with it. You also don't have anywhere near the amount of wongers jumping into you table.
You need to adjust your play and your style from one city to the other.
While I can certainly understand the thrill of the clubs,are you there for the nite life or the gambling? It's hard to mix both.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
While I can certainly understand the thrill of the clubs,are you there for the nite life or the gambling? It's hard to mix both.
Not going to gambling Shad. I don't gamble. :) Am going to play blackjack! ;)I usually average 10 hours a day when in vegas so should be in the neighborhood of 100 hours. Still am able to go out a couple nights and have fun.

Thanx sonny. that's the number I was looking for.
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From the gamemasteronline 8,8 vs 10 index is +8. (Archive copy)

He uses a lot of risk averse indices so I am wondering why his stand on 8,8 vs 10 would be higher than the more common +5 index. Wouldn't a more risk averse approach be to go ahead and stand on the TC of +5 or perhaps even lower rather than increasing it to +8?

Just wondering out loud, I'm sure memorizing +5 for this index rather than +8 will result in pennies over a million hands.


Well-Known Member
Sir Counts-A-Lot said:
Just wondering out loud, I'm sure memorizing +5 for this index rather than +8 will result in pennies over a million hands.
Agreed Sir C-A-L furthermore knowing this index at all probably doesn't amount to much more than that. Just seems so to me at the moment, having just lost 3 max bets. Sometimes it takes me a day to get back to thinking long-term.