reKO for Beast


Well-Known Member
Beast said:

I have started training someone and am starting them with Norm Wattenburger's reKO. It is even easier than KO hence the name "really easy" KO. It only has one number for all plays! I have been looking at this count for the last week running sims. I modified it just a little keeping most of the simplicity. My modifications have brought it up to almost the strength of the HiLo will full index numbers for 1 and 2 decks - haven't worked on the shoes yet - and that's strictly without using TC. I am even considering switching to this system so we will be playing with the same count. Sure, I will give up about $10 to $15 an hour expected return playing quarters, but I know I can play the reKOmod system effortlessly coming from the HiOptII with 2 side counts. Sometimes when playing HO2 I have to stop for a second and make all the calculations for some plays/bets like side count adjustments and TC. I know that when I am carrying on a conversation at the table my bets/plays calculations get lazy and I might miss a close play/bet. It is nice to know that would never happen again even though I would still lose quite a bit; but, not enough to cause me to sleep at night.

Just my 2 cents,

I grabbed it out of another thread, found it's worth a own thread.

Would you mind sharing your sims with us? Sounds good and would be interesting to know which modifications you made to beat a counter using hi-lo with full indices.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't beat HiLo with full indexes as I already stated. BTW, when I compared systems I didn't include TT splits. It would have been easy to add those as well, but it's something I almost never do.


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Well-Known Member
oops, i misread that. sorry. But it comes close as you stated above. So what are your modifications? There are some situations where the original reKO beats hi-lo and KO preferred in shoe games. (Dead link:


Well-Known Member
reKO Beast:)

First, I changed the starting count to 0 for 1dk and -4 for 2dk, so Norm's 2 indices go to 3.

Ok, here are the 3 index plays:

16vT; 15vT; 12v2,3,4; TvT,A; 9v2,7; 8v5,6; A9v5,6; A8v4,5,6; A6,A7v2; A5v3; A2,A3v4; 88vT(noDAS); and, of course, insurance

I added another index, 7:

16v9; 14vT; 8v4; A9v4; A8v3; A4v3

Always double 11vA

For single deck H17 there are a couple of modifications:

15,16vA = 3

For double deck 88vT(DAS) goes to 7.

I had someone else check the performance of these numbers with CV and he reported back he wasn't getting the same increase in SCORE that I was. The only modern software I have is SBA. So, if someone could run these numbers and report back I would appreciate it.

BTW, almost all of these numbers can be moved to shoe games. I could have added more 3 or 7 indices, but wanted to keep it as simple as possible.

Based on a $10k bank I ran sims under the following conditions:

1dk, H17, noDAS, resplit aces, rule of 4 to 2 players with counter at 3rd; betting: 1/$25, 2/$50/, 3/$75, 4/$125; RoR=5%, win=$72.5hr

2dk, S17, DAS, resplit aces, dealt to 65 cards with 2 players and counter at 3rd; betting: 0/$10, 1/$25, 2/2of$25, 3/2of$50, 4/2of$75; RoR=2%, win=$50hr

I understand these are aggressive betting spreads....


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